
Comeback in Wien-Ottakring – mnews –

Comeback in Wien-Ottakring – mnews –

WIENER NEUDORF. Wenige Wochen nach der Wiedereröffnung des Penny-Markts in der Brunnengasse 40–42 in Wien-Ottakring presents a more Standort des Rewe-Diskonters im 16. Gemeindebezirk rundum erneuert: Die 720 m²-Filiale in der Kreitnergasse 1–3, in nächster Nähe zur Schmelz located, hat nach moremonatiem Umbau wieder geöffnet.

“My team and I leveraged our knowledge and skills with expert advice to create an attractive own brand and custom marking range,” explains Branch Manager Muuse Ahmed.

Fischeheld and Fleischhauer

Penny set up shop in the Kreitnergasse on a lower Frisian and Nachhaltigkeit. Those gentle Frisian heroes take care of the geese Tag über für friisches Obst en Gemüse; on the Fleischhauer-Service – an alle-instellungsmerkmal under Österreichs Diskontern – give a modern market. You can make your case judicial and appeal on an individual matter.

The Fleisch der Eigenmarke “Ich bin Österreich” – Schwein, Hendl and Rind – originates 100% from Österreich and was slaughtered here. Through the ‘Nose to Tail’ philosophy, when all parts of the layers are rejected, Penny becomes active in reducing the life cycle.

Vegan Vielfalt

In total, the Ottakringer Filiale range has increased to 1,900 items, including no fewer than 200 regional products “Ich bin Österreich”. The brood of the most reichish background is fresh in the old-fashioned history and with “Food For Future” the market has a vegan oddity. The motto is Vielfalt statt Verzicht: Vegane Fleischwurst, Hafermilch or veganer Käse sollen die Produktvielfalt unterstreichen. (red)