
Neue Kampagne is very helpful, the Schweigen is Brechen

Neue Kampagne is very helpful, the Schweigen is Brechen

If the Kleine Zeitung as a media partner the Pro Mente Gruppe Karinten finds a theme in its new herbal campaign, it is neither in the Gesellschaft nor with a Stigma behavior. “Wir wollen mit der Kampagne den öffentlichen Diskurs über large-scale Gesundheit stärken”, says Georg Spiel, Obmann and Geschäftsführer of Pro Mente Kärnten. Affected or severe consequences can cause a tremendous amount of shock. Offenheit sei “der Schlüssel z more Akzeptanz, Verstandnis und for allem Hilfe”, so Spiel, der hindzufügt: “People, who have more over total Health and Mental Health, have a greater Resilienz.”

Under the motto “mental health #reasonwirdarüber” you will find more activities on the theme for three weeks on October 10 – the World Day of Mental Health. Release date is 10 October with Kundgebungen in Klagenfurt, Villach and Wolfsberg.

I plan to go to the Austrian premiere: In Klagenfurt, starting at 5 p.m. to “1. Mental Health Run“ loaded. Besides, the distances can be reached by kilometers of long stretches from the Loretto Beach to the Steinernen Bridge and the return journey will take place on foot or on foot. Beef 150 Anmeldungen ([email protected]) since bislang schon eingelangt.

Some of the mental health care images provide the Erlebnisausstellung „Psyche erleben“ (Registration for groups under [email protected]), which is obtained by Pro Mente Steiermark. Persons aged 16 years from October 15 to 17 in the town of Spittal an der Drau are present on Leib, who were diagnosed with illness. “I am a 21-metre-long Depression Tunnel experienced man, who suffers from stress,” says Michaela Obrist, Department of Social Psychiatry Cluster. Other stations are a Schizophrenia Regal and an Alcohol Parcours.

Reason and Antwort stehen am 22. October fünf pro mente-Expertinnen en Experten at a Telefonstunde (0463 50 00 88). “Anonymous children, young people and mental health problems can arise,” says Tanja Bleis, Clinical-Psychological Gesamtleitung at Pro Mente: Children’s Youth Family.

The Abschlussveranstaltung “Aus dem Nebel in das Leben” will take place on October 30 at 7 p.m. in Casineum Velden statt. Neben einem Vortrag (Register under [email protected]) with the theme “I am stress-free between Resilienz and Krankheit” by Theresa Lanhousen-Luxenberger, from the new Primaria der Abteilung Psychiatrie und psychotherapeutische Medizin in Klinikum Klagenfurt, kom betroffene zu Wort.