
Singing: 15 Jahre Theater im Schleudergang

Singing: 15 Jahre Theater im Schleudergang

Singen – 15 Jahre is her, who has beschlossen the Laienschauspieler in Hegau, a festival of the amateur theater group under the direction of Susanne Breyer in the ground. Pralka sollte die Gruppe heißen. I talk to the SÜDKURIER about the previous Christine Haus, who from the beginning to the position innehat, who is that Namen comb. Unter den Gründungsmitgliedern seien auch Polen gewesen, die den Namur. Pralka is the Polish word for washing machine.

Next to the Group “Theater im Schleudergang” en. 2013 continued with the cultural awards ceremony of the Stadt Singen. Alle zwölf Gründungsmitglieder is neither in the active activity, but Christine Haus nicht ohne Stolz. Turn on the connection at 20 minutes. In the Satzung des Vereins the festival was celebrated when a theater piece was brought to the stage. In a special memory, the heritage piece “Hotel Continental – Lust und Blaster in Singen” with 35 Vorstellungen im Amüsierlokal was created. This show wants the singers to have the opportunity to sing plants and später zum Schandfleck in the business hotel, but no other things are possible.

The Pralka-Akteure was performed four years ago under the direction of Ulrich Trommsdorff. Christine Haus and her stellvertretterin Cora Bühner are the lobes who investigate the Trommsdorffs Führung. There is a team that has repeated some things, but both are the same. “If the amateur theater group delivers a performance, woolen quality and a good level,” they both die. Pralka is the Mitglied des Landesverbandes Amateurtheater Baden-Württemberg. The Mitglieder has the Möglichkeit, favorable and Workshops with professional Directors, Theater Machern or Stimmbildnern teilzunehmen. It was really enjoyable.

The theme stimulation is heavy, the group plays a microphone game. “In the great Sälen who the alten Kirche in Volkertshausen come to be, we will have a wonderful experience,” says Cora Bühner. A revival for Pralka as a Wandertheater is an unwritten game. Whether in the Stadthalle, Kirche or Autohaus, all the things you need are different. If schauspieler is here, you can set it. And who wants to do that, what can be played? “This is the revival of Basic Democracy,” say the two Schauspielerinnen. A few weeks ago the activity is for a potential part of the lesson. Erscheint an interesting book, it became a group engaged in collecting interesting lessons in the uninterested roles. “That’s a good thing, that’s what we’re doing, that’s a piece, but it’s not that big of a deal,” Haus explains. If you’re thinking about it, come over and think about it.

Der Vorschlag für das Theaterstück in de jubilee year kam van Teammitglied Harald Karrer. Die Wahl fell on “Herkules und der Stall des Augias” by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Once the democracy parody was set in the old era and written in the 1960s, the theme could no longer take effect. Denn im Stück is gilded, the democratic State Elis auszumisten. Die einwohner versinken förmlich in Mist ihrer Kühe. Hilfe is not in Form von Herkules, the Greek national heroes. Although Herkules jedoch nicht rechnete, ist de Bürokratie des Staates Elis, die unter dem Motto “Es ist stets zu früh, aber nie zu spät” in Tatenlosigkeit. It is a fact that the new fog appears on October 11th. You will find one of the other things related to Tiefgang, so Christine Haus.

Wer ourselves one of the best things, it is at Pralka if we want to come. The Theater Group is located in the Spielern. Young men were interrogated. Karting can be done at Theater Pralka, Christine Haus, under telephone number 07731 919329,, or reserved by e-mail and [email protected]. Karting for the Vorstellung in the K9-Kulturzentrum Konstanz can be found at The tickets cost 12 euros in advance, and 14 euros at the Abendkasse.

The Jubiläumsstück

Secondly, “Herkules und der Stall des Augias” was played. The Vorstellungs starts at 8 p.m. Premiere: October 11 in der Alten Kirche Volkertshausen. Weitere Termine: 12. October, VW Zentrum Graf Hardenberg Singen, 13. October, Spiegelsaal im Schützen Donaueschingen, 18. October, Hexenkeller Öhningen, 19. October, K9 Konstanz, and 20. October, Kulturzentrum Arlener Gems Rielasingen-Worblingen.