
KI Developing functions as a service provider?

KI Developing functions as a service provider?

Künstliche Intelligenz is schon long keine Zukunftstechnologie more. Because AI no longer (now) has more potential, the theory or construction – the technology is possibly available as a Gamechanger in many other systems. Sprich: Wir sind in der Praxis, der Umsetzung, der Implementierung angekommen.

The matured beispielsweise Zahlen aus dem diesjährigen State of Sales and Marketing Report von Pipedrive, een jährlich durchgeführten Umfrage unter 948 Expert:innen van de Vertrieb- und Marketing. A Drittel (35 Prozent) goes to the AI ​​in the Arbeitsalltag. The Überraschenderweise is dieser Anteil bei kleine Unternehmen nochmal höher: Here is a sogar prepared 42 Prozent der Belegschaft.

The end of the fahnenrod is of course neither long, but ineffective. I have done a research into the Beratungsgesellschaft Horvath has 70 Prozent der befratten Unternehmen ihr KI-Budget zuletzt signifikant erhöht. There is no longer a question of interest, but of the ongoing business in AI technologies to invest.

Was all this substantiation one of the following: if connected to software solutions, the AI ​​beds for construction activities can be inherited. The departments for sales, finance and human resources are so passionate about AI integration, a technology that integrates more into your process. Which service and software implementer is available in the module: Who integrates the best AI functions into my Tools? Ab wil ergibt dies Sinn? Muss ich dies at all?

In this case, it can be a problem to solve a problem and carry out a partial process – and many tips are given by the perspectives of service providers, who can be friends with the strong nachfrage nachfrage na KI-losungen erolgreich.

How long will the fragmentation last: If KI in our Angebots-Portfolio is bad, who will have the greatest value in Rahmen no longer have Fähigkeiten and Möglichkeiten? Do you want to install the software yourself? Buy wir sie external hinzu? Or do you want to find a solution for a basic White-Label solution?

Make or buy?

If you make the right choice, you can add KI-Features yourself or use them on Drittanbieter-Tools. This separation is caused by an incorrect deletion of the factory settings. It is important that with the external resources and technical knowledge you can find your own AI lens and use your personal data. Here are more options that can help with the divorce:

Eigenentwicklung (brand)

  • Specific benefits: If you have made a special offer, the standard solution cannot be removed, but the internal integration and transfer of AI storage can even be without any sin. These standard solutions are very extensive, all useless AI tools (zB for the AI ​​model or the Kundenservice Chatbots) have become an extensive palette of existing designs. If there are some useful functions, their use may be carried out in a peculiar or complex way. If you go to specific branches of functions, the ones for your other industry (which is the general economy), the fact that a large number of passages and complicated process planning are no longer possible by refining all the CRM or AI-Tools options . If integration with the best systems, the best compliance or security sanctions, with innovative features comes with the standard, this can be a problem.
  • Long-lasting strategy: If the factory of Ihr Unternehmen, KI as core components of establishments and dadurch wetbewerbsvorteile zu erzielen, the internal development is an Überlegung. It is a sin if KI has the Herzstück des Geschäftsmodells-bildet: Nehmen with his Beispiel an Unternehmen, das im Bereich personalisierter Medizin maßgeschneiderte Behandlungspläne durch KI-gestützte Analyzes von Patientendaten entwickelt. In one of the Solchen Fall, AI is not a work sow, part of the component of the Angebots, of the great importance of the strategic strategic vision.
  • Source information: Internal AI education is by nature a different source of inheritance. It is a leading technological infrastructure, which is specialized in hardware and software, a complex structure of AI that is hereditary. This is due to the high qualification of data scientists and machine learning engineers, who can improve the financing of the enterprise. There are more ways to continuously invest and invest in your AI technology that is concerned with expanding the existing standards. It is one of the most diverse things that the hereditary resources can use technologically, personally and infrastructurally, so that the financial resources can be used for the idiosyncratic paints.


  • Faster Marktritt: White-Label products offer a range of market launches for their equity, which they highlight and test. These issues are often a problem and there is no single fully-fledged new solution from AI technology. The integration into the best system and the expansion of a specific application is not common, but the scheme is becoming increasingly complicated and complex as the full-scale a large AI loss from Grund on. White-Label products reduce notification, internal sources for Research and Entwicklung to bind, the basic functions can be used. Die ermöglicht is Unternehmen, faster auf Market opportunities to respond and the chance of the best way to integrate the workflow.
  • Cost and Time Efficiency: White-Label solutions for smaller solutions or solutions with a cost and time saving option. These problems with the basic software, APIs and databases used were the first choice. The fact is that the einsatz of White-Label products is not good, but there is no hereditary order light. If you have a cooking box, the food will be sweeter, but you can do it yourself. As the grundlegend technology is developed, you may integrate your specific offers and your best system.
  • Tested functional features: These problems may be caused by AI functionality, but internal lung function resources are heavily loaded.


Partnerschaften (third-party integrations)

  • Experience of the Angebots: Durch Partnerschaften mit spezialisierten KI-Anbietern können Unternehmen ihr Angebot erweitern and von der Expertise der Partner profitieren. This great light is the rapid response to market activity and innovative solutions, regardless of the time and resources for the internal development of Müssen. Beispielsweise can be an e-commerce unit during the integration of a Drittanbieter-KI for product tempfehlungen of the production expansion, indem of a personal e-commerce solution, which is offered on the individual basis of the customer.
  • Minimal risks: Partnerships can help minimize and limit the risks of doing business through the strong technology that exists. Through cooperation with the establishments of AI companies that acquire knowledge and skills to make a profit, the risk of failure and failure was reduced.
  • Flexibility: Partnerships provide the flexibility, specific AI functionalities to integrate, or the notekeit, this internal intern. That energy is available, your core competencies are strong and capable of using advanced technology, which could soon be added to the Reich’s resources. By integrating this specific functionality, the external functions can be one of the best ways to work, or the different sources for the own integration of müssen.