
Ukrainian Health Minister: Planung im Krieg schwierig

Ukrainian Health Minister: Planung im Krieg schwierig

There are artillery schläge on Siedlungen and Zivilisten used, concrete Liaschko at a press conference in Bad Hofgastein in the Salzburger Pongau. “Wir müssen Menschen mit multiplen Verletzungen für die Behandlung evakuieren.” Manchmal see more as 25 Operations bei one single person affected. The brauche is the result of different fachärzten. Bevölkerung wie auch Gesundheitseinrichtungen has weiters with often stundenlangen Stromausfällen zu kämpfen. “It is necessary to ensure that the legal aspects of the legal process are responded to”, it is described by the Lage.

Fast 90 Prozent der Ukrainian Bevölkerung spüren Negative Auswirkungen auf ihrephysical Gesundheit,berichtete Liaschko. Read more about the health of your own person since they are starting to have a serious illness as well as young people. “People will be happy for 15 years,” said the Health Minister. It concerns children more Schlaganfälle. Auch Herzinfarkte treten demnach früher auf.

Concrete from concrete, at the European Health Forum Gastein, talks about your money. Thanks to all, the Ukrainian healthcare system is not working. “The Ukraine will not be able to survive. The Krieg will not survive. Russia will set the Angriff on the Zivilisten fort,” the minister said. It is a great impetus for the camp’s struggle for democracy in Ukraine. Ukrainian personal belongings were included by Russia in the Kriegsgefangenschaft content and mass, so that the free welding became possible and zurückkehren in Ukraine, making Liaschko.

The Krieg dates from 946 days and last year, concrete Jarno Habicht, Leader of the Ukraine-Büros der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), at the Medientermin in Bad Hofgastein. Once the attack on personal and targeted attacks takes place. “We lose our personal health.” These can no longer be performed because they are not correct.

(SERVICE – 27. European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) from 24. bis 27. September as hybrid Veranstaltung under the title “Shift of health. Democracy, demography, digitalization” –