
Einstimmig – Ungewohnter Schulterschluss at Hornsteiner Feuerwehrhaus

Einstimmig – Ungewohnter Schulterschluss at Hornsteiner Feuerwehrhaus

„We thank our landeshauptmanns“ – a Satz der in (sehr)viel Presseassendungen der Marktgemeinde Hornstein would make his choice not to work. Landeshauptmann Hans Peter Doskozil and the former ÖVP-Landesgeschäftsführer, Bürgermeister Christoph Wolf, have no terms as best friends. That is between the two bzw. The Swiss country and community are now a bit wary, it is also a positive attitude towards the most unsatisfactory insouciance.

Hornsteins Finanzen: Nach ÖVP-Kritik am Land nun SPÖ-Lob für Doskozil

Abgaben and Zuschüsse

Beim Feuerwehrhaus Hornstein shows man aber Parteipolitik beiseite zu haben. The variant “Neubau” is after more pleasant days and its “greatest finances” on Schiene: “Nach lungen and intensive part-party conversations are a healthy life together in the Burgenland country. After the terms have been extended with the Landeshauptmann, the project with the PEB-abzuwickel“, is available from the Ortschef.

The country is worth three million euros for construction

The country will be covered by three millions of euros for the shelter and more 360,000 euros for basic support for the new defense forces. The Gemeinde is one of the previous years that has raised a million euros.

Party tag ÖVP Christoph Wolf

Bürgermeister Christoph Wolf received more information about the Unterstützung des Landes at the launch of the Hornsteiner Feuerwehr.

Wolfgang Millendorfer

Etwas Skepsis bleibt aber: “Wir hoffen, that all the Vereinbarungen one contentn were, damit im Sinne aller Hornsteiner and insbeondere unserer fleißigen Feuerwehrmitglieder a rassche Realisierung ergolgen kann”, so Wolf more.

The spatenstich was planted before the autumn of 2025, if all goes well, the Eröffnung will follow for a year. For the Feuerwehrhaus project, the Gemeinde Schon Im Year 2018 has acquired a directly adjacent Grundstück. So only the Wunsch der Feuerwehr, the Standort beizubehalten, were nachgekommen.

“I think that this project is now a federation as a community in the cooperation with our Feuerwehr and with the land that we can use, and thank you for all involved, that this is an important project that the Parteipolitik hinttellt wurde,” with der Ortschef penetrating . The wolf hat is protected by national politics and perhaps falls somewhat under the power of the representation of the SPÖ-geführten Land.

Christoph Wolf spoke about national politics

After 14 years

An Arbeitsgruppe bestehend aus Vertretern der Feuerwehr, the Gemeindeverwaltung as well as the Projecttentwicklung Burgenland has taken over the Arbeit bereits. Auch in Zukunft hofft man beim Thema Feuerwehr in Hornstein auf gute Zusammenarbeit in dem Land: “Wir since auch zuversichtlich, we are convinced in Bezug auf the laufende Betrieb ebenfalls due to these unterstützung zählen dürfen”, Wolf abschließend.