
Congress Lebensmitteltechnologie 2024 › WIR

Congress Lebensmitteltechnologie 2024 › WIR

Congress Lebensmitteltechnologie 2024 › WIR

Die Vorfreude auf de zehnten Kongress Lebensmitteltechnologie ist gross. The Orga-Teams team is Daniel Liphardt from the Fachschaft des Fachbereichs Life Science Technologies (l.), Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Mandy Meyer, Professor Ulrich Müller as well as Vera Rollheiser from the Institute for Life Science Technologies (ILT.NRW). (Photo: TH OWL)

Lemgo – The Technical University of Ostwestfalen-Lippe (TH OWL) was founded on Donnerstag, 10. October, bis Samstag, 12. Oktober, unterstützend de zehnten Kongress Lebensmitteltechnologie auszurichten. After a pandemic clause Pause von four years, these bedeutenden Veranstaltung rund 300 Fachleute from the Lebensmittelbranche on the Innovation Campus in Lemgo erwartet.

“We are eager to welcome the Congress after the long Pause and we will be able to enjoy it,” explains Professor Dr. Ulrich Müller von der TH OWL. “There is a platform for these products, which specializes in the latest developments and trends in lifestyle technology. With more than 70 Vorträgen und zahlreichen Discussionsrunden decken with de gesamte Bandbreite von Grundlagenforschung bis, his practical Anwendung in der Industrie ab.”

Sandra Buckenhüskes, Geschäftsführerin der Gesellschaft Deutscher Lebensmitteltechnoloogen (GDL), says: “The conference is a reformed opportunity, which combines research and praxis with a strong focus on current themes with knowledge and digitalization.”

A special highlight is the poster that is published during the study and presentation of the presentations. Noch bis zum September 30 best the Möglichkeit, Poster einzureichen and dabei verfavorte Tickets for the Congress are here.

It is possible to use the poster that provides a company setting with the right information, because there are active products and services aware. The careers represent a good location, with such talents in contact with customers and possible purchasing operations with knowledge.

Daniel Liphardt, who is on the faculty of the Life Science Technologies faculty, is one of the most promising entrepreneurs who looked forward to the congress: “There is a tolle in a convenient location, there are study and email activities that could lead to an informal inquiry into the future.”

I show the members of Congress a traditional session with snippets of statistics while the active themes are discussed and used by industry lawyers.

All interests are herzlich in the Alte Hanseatic city of Lemgo loaded, part of those exciting and thrilling things you will do. Tagungsorte is the “PHOENIX CONTACT arena” in Bunsenstraße, where the Future Food Factory OWL on Campusallee in Lemgo is served. “Nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihr Netzwerk in der Lebensmitteltechnologie weiter auszubauen. Weitere Informationen zur Anmeldung and zum Programm finden Sie on our website,” says Professor Müller.

See here: