
Schaurig gruselige Halloween parties in Hamburg

Schaurig gruselige Halloween parties in Hamburg

Die Vielfalt der Hamburger Halloween Parties Lässt keine Wünsche offen. Erlebe dies uncanny atmosphere on “Cap San Diego” or on the world of “Psychedelic Nation”. In this article you will find everything about the best Halloween parties in Hamburg. Thank you for the Night of the Tots and so much fun!

1. Eastern Halloween Ball

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Thats East Hotel & Restaurant ladt am 30. October 2024 zum grossen Halloween ball under dem Motto Dia de los Muertos” ein. Taucht ein a farbenfrohes Blumenmeer and tanzt neben Schädeln and Skeetten durch die Nacht. La Catrina is one of the many extras with VOLCAN Tequila and many extras. With volem Bauch is sich longer – reserve a euch einen Tisch zum dinner. Der Eintritt kostent im Pre-purchase 25 Euroand there Abendkasse 30,- Euro. For hotel guests there is free access. Einlass is from 10:30 p.m!

2. HALOween – Creatures of the Night

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For the legend HALOween party walks there Halo Club in Hamburg in a clean-cut Gruselwelt. Under dem Motto “Creatures of the Night” since the guests are welcome, in special and external costs they appear. The best Verkleidungen were promoted. On zwei Floors erwartet euch best musical Unterhaltung: Im Halo Floor empty Matty Menck and DJ montage a Kuddelmuddel House, 2000s hits and Halloween Class Core auf. I am Upper Halo presenter Boykz urbane Klänge von Hip-Hop bis Latin. With the Lounge reservation the Eintritt is free and your time is spent one night arranging the reservation. Tickets are now sold in the Abendkassefrühes Erscheinen look after themselves!

Standard: Grosse Freiheit 6

3. Halloween spectacle and sign

Halloween decoration, © Pexels
Halloween decoration, © Pexels

Feiert am October 30, 2024 at 6:00 PM a really nice Halloween party with Go to the Hard Rock Cafe Hamburg. I started at the Hard Rock Cafe doing one thing horrible buffet including Spooky Mini Burgers, Fries, Mini Brownies and a Begrüßungsdrink. At 8:30 p.m it is then a fact Party chief der Reederei Abicht further. Verkleidet euch mit euren cheapest costumes and tanzt on dem coarse decoration Schiff zu unheimlicher Musik. Eine Getränkepauschale with a refreshing drink. Drinks is im Ticket please 99,- Euro inclusive. Um 11 p.m. Hours, the Schiff wieder an the Landungsbrücken an.

Standard: Both St. Pauli Landungsbrücken 5

4. Zombie Ball in Molotov

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I am Molotow on the Reeperbahn during Halloween is gruesome this year. Beim Zombie ballthe cheapest food for all residents of the city, serve it DJs Mary Eleni and Axelmania the worst ones Hits from indie, oldies and hip hop. Zombies, Hexes and Geister can spend the night and go broke. Werverleidet kommt, zahlt keinen Eintrittotherfalls cost es 5 euros. The make-up is also very gruselig, keep the paintwork clean and bright with the Albtraum on the Reeperbahn!

Standard: Nobistor 14

5. Halloween Ghost Ship Cap San Diego

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Die Hood San Diego I am also walking in this year again in one day gruseliges Geisterschiff: Am 30. October 2024On the weekend of the holiday, organize Hamburg’s largest Halloween party and the Museum Schiffs board in Hamburger Hafen. On two tanzflächen and three Ebenen The “Halloween Ghostship” is a setting for some fun guests in fancy-schönen costumes for an unparalleled night. Blutige cocktails and gritty music welding no Langeweile aufkommen. If you notice the problem, you can experience the feeling of the sea and the mind neither in your life nor on the board. Tickets are available from approx. 16 euros. Jugendliche ab 16 Jahren dürfen nur in Begleitung one’s Erziehungsberechtigten on Bord.

Liegeplatz: Uberseebrücke

6. Psychedelic Nation – Halloween Edition

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Am 31. October 2024 lädt die Psychedelic nation For a fun-filled Halloween party. On zwei Floors and a Chillout area worry Live acts and DJs for orderly encouragement. With Künstlern wie Boom Shankar, Leads, Metronome and fell more that night was blessed. Eine standing decoration and a spectacular light show from Mile randen das Erlebnis ab. Neben der Musik gibt es Essen, Fotomöglichkeiten und Shops. Der Eintritt ist from 18 years possible.

Standard: Hammerbrook Strasse 43
Facebook: Baba Goa Events

From “Halloween Spectacle on the Plate” is the glamorous “east Halloween Ball 2024” according to his wishes “HALOween – Creatures of the Night” and the “Zombie Ball” in Molotow: The atmosphere of the Hamburger Halloween Parties is not so nice. Ganz gleich, for the most diverse sellers, Hamburg offers a Halloween guarantee for an unlimited experience. Schnapp during your costume and enjoy the Bann der Nacht!

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East Hotel-Restaurant GmbH

Simon-von-Utrecht-Straße 31

20359 Hamburg – St. Pauli

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Grosse Freiheit 6

22767 Hamburg-St.Pauli

Hard rock cafe

Both St.Pauli-Landungsbrücken 5

20359 Hamburg – St. Pauli


Nobistor 14

22767 Hamburg-St.Pauli

Hood San Diego

Überseebrücke Liegeplatz

20459 Hamburg-Neustadt

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