
The famous sports director “trades” with his own Liverpool big Transfer flop! Irrer Neustart von Girondins Bordeaux

The famous sports director “trades” with his own Liverpool big Transfer flop! Irrer Neustart von Girondins Bordeaux

Girondins Bordeaux,


Girondins Bordeaux: Neustart in der Viertklassigkeit

In the Frühsommer there is not yet a single Hoffnungsschimmer, while the interest of the Fenway Sports Group is one of the best knowledge. As a player for FC Liverpool, the Boston Red Sox in the MLB and the Pittsburgh Penguins in the NHL. Die Verhandlungen are suspended. Nun can no longer accept the French financial vision and schickte Bordeaux but neither in the Drittklassigkeit.

Information about the bankruptcy of the company is one of the most common problems in solving problems in the vault after 87 years. De Konsequenz: Anfang August revidierten de Behörden ihre Entscheidung. Statt in first place in the four-way four-way League. Einspruch abgeschmettert.

Innerhalb kürzester Zeit the Klub must have a new completely new Mannschaft. Beauftragt would have a vacuum cleaner John Williams, who owns the sports director for the Zweitligisten SC Amiens-tätig. Williams was born in Liverpool, after developing an emotional bond with the club in the Bordeaux region, he was born with the segments of Amiens’ president Bernard Joann in mid-August. “We can come to a standstill, if we want Bordeaux to be a part of it, we will have to come to terms with it. It must be a form of Solidarität,” said Joannin.

Amiens fans see the dual role in their sporting directors and are different and look at the city with the “Williams Out” sticker. Seine Zukunft at both Klubs is unclear. Unterminated by all Trubel organizer Williams Bordeaux in August jedenfalls 31 Spieler. One of the forms of reserve manschaft, No-Names fell here and there and Andy Carroll. Ex-registration transfer of FC Liverpool, one of the active English Nationalmannschaft. Think about your long hair and your long hair.