
Schimpanse grift Mumble and tötet ihr Baby

Schimpanse grift Mumble and tötet ihr Baby

Tragischer Vorfall auf einem Feld in Guinea: Een Schimpanse entriss een Menschenbaby und tötete es. Residential buildings with a research center.

A large Zwischenfall with a wild Schimpansen has arrived in African Guinea. Man has an idea of ​​the fact that a baby has come out of the mother when it is on a Maniokfeld-arbeitete. The children’s leche will send a message to other nachrichtenagentur Reuters in one of the cases in which Wald is financed.

The Vorfall looks like this that the Bossou-Waldes in the Nimba Mountain National Park has become an honorary UNESCO World Heritage Site. After the muttering of the schimpanse has fallen through a hint, you can biss and then schlepp babies in the forest for eight months. If there is a problem with the fact that in those years it is possible to attack people by taunts, they are attacked.

General Yamakoshi, leader of the Forscher of the Bossou Institutes, war after a report about the British “Times”-gerade in Japan, as the Unglück geschah. The Vorkommnisse für Unfälle, sieht aber a Grund dafür stops there: “Sie haben keine Angst more vor Menschen.”

Der Ökoloog Alidjiou Sylla saw Reuters Nahrungsknappheit as Auslöser für Wanderungen von Schimpansen aus ihren Schutzgebieten in von Menschen bewohnte Gegenden. Für Yamakoshi can end up on the Grund user’s device. There is talk of “Times”, the taunts are bigger than often beyond control.

Residents of the Region, in the latest attack phase, stormed the Schimpansenforschungszentrum Anfang der Woche. Having achieved the goal of entry into force, you can solve a problem with drying and provoke a quarrel.

In the Wäldern von Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone in West Africa there is the largest population of the Australian Western Schimpanzee, which has declined by 80 percent after the International Union for Conservation of Nature in 1990 and 2014. In Bossou-Wald sollen nur sieben libende Exemplare liben.

In the Nimba-Bergen that one of the great Eisenerzvorkommen Guineas discovered, the Umweltschützern Besorgnis über the Auswirkungen des Bergbaus op Schimpansen ausgelöst hat.