
Dax started friendly – Inflationszahlen im Blick ()

Dax started friendly – Inflationszahlen im Blick ()

FRANKFURT/MAIN (dts Nachrichtenagentur) – Der Dax ist am Freitag leicht über dem Vortage level in de Handel startedet. Gegen 9:30 Hour standings 19,263 Punkte auf der Anzeigetafel in Frankfurter Börsensaal, 0.1 Prozent more as am Donnerstag. One of the Spitze der Kursliste series is the paper from Zalando, Porsche, Infineon and Siemens Healthineers.

The end of Munich paper has become the German trend. Start with the onset of inflation in Germany and the Eurozone theme economy being developed in the Blick. The previous verbraucherpreise would be “vermutlich not one of the forcing of the zinssenkungsfantasie beitragen, that this right is tried without”, he is in a market economy of the Helaba vom Freitag. The entire business on the German Aktienmarkt stopped with a “For all the consideration given the new sinking Leitzinsen, rückläufige oil price and the Konjunkturprogramm in China were authorized for the good Stimmung responsible”, so the Helaba. Geopolitical tensions and unwanted interests in the eurozone are achieved in the background. “On the technical side is the image with the prozyklischen Kaufsignal und der Bestätigung des Aufwärtstrends construktiv”, he is in the market economy. 0.8950 euros are worth the price: The price of oil is lower than the average price: the price of the Nordsee Sorte Brent costs at the leisure time of 8 a.m. in German time 71.73 US dollars, which was 13 cents or 0.2 percent per day. Trading tags.
