
Rechtliche Grundlagen und Besonderheiten in the context of young Straftätern

Rechtliche Grundlagen und Besonderheiten in the context of young Straftätern

The criminal law is a hornet’s nest in law, it is the best way to punish another person for the accountability that can be carried out. In Germany, criminal child and juvenile justice is governed by specific rules and defined legal rules. These articles are intended to circumvent the alternative boundaries of the Strafmündigkeit, the underlying Verfahren in the Verfolgung van Straftaten by minors and the specific pädagogical and lawful maßnahmen, which are stranded in the course of the young Straftätern.

Altersborders der Strafmündigkeit

In Germany, the Criminal Law (StGB) and the Jugendgerichtsgesetz (JGG) regulate criminal justice. Gemäß § 19 StGB since children after 14 years of debt restructuring and could not be prosecuted under criminal law. Jugendliche im Alter von 14 bis 17 Years since criminal, unterliegen jedoch dem Jugendcriminalrecht, das in erster Linieherische Maßnahmen statt Criminal vorsieht. For re-anwachsende im Alter von 18 to 20 years, an individual entity and a reife can extend the Jugend- or Erwachsenencriminalrecht.

Besonderheiten in Jugendcriminalrecht

Criminal law is influenced by the review and resolubilization of young criminal law and its own in many aspects of criminal law. The central element of juvenile justice is:

– Erzieherische Maßnahmen: Anstelle von Strafen was vorrangig erzieherische Maßnahmen changed. These are the Weisungen, Auflagen, Erziehungsbeistandschaft and the Unterbringung in a Jugendwohngruppe or a Heim.

– Jugendarrest: The Jugendarrest is a freedom of care, which can be prosecuted in the course of Haftstrafen (Arrest) of one of his four weeks. There is a fact that the severity of time travels in the future for a long period of life in the social environment.

– Jugendstraf: When sentences are carried out, a Jugendstraf can be hanged, the freedom sentence of these Monaten is as long as necessary. The full streckung takes place in special juvenile criminal cases, which impose sentences on younger offenders.

– Diversion: The principle of the Diversion is light, as a result of the supervision of the supervision, when the Jugendliche de Tat zugibt and sich prepared zed, a Maßnahmen zur Schadenswiedergutmachung or zur Verhaltensänderung mitzuwirken.

Verfahrensrechtliche Besonderheiten

The Jugendgerichtsgesetz specifies special care rules, the special provisions for child care and juvenile justice were resolved. These detours:

– Specialized Jugendrichter en -staatsanwälte: Youth criminal cases were handled by specialized Jugendrichterten and Jugendstaatsanwälten, die überbesondere Kennisnisse en Erfahrungen in Umgang with young Criminals.

– Verfahrensbegleitung: My juvenile criminal law can be influenced by a juvenile justice service, the press and civil society of the juvenile research and the targeted emigration for geeignete erzieherische maßnahmen gibt.

– Unjust treatise: Jugendcriminalrecht is nichtöffentlich, a private sphere and the Schutz of the legal accusations of gewährleisten. Nur enge Familiengehörige und Prozessbeteiligte dürfen anwesend sein.

– Vermeidung der Stigmatisering: The Jugendcriminaltrial is a stigmatization of the Jugendlichen zu vermeiden. So if the action of the juvenile criminal law takes place after a best time of bonding, and a violation of the Erfassung and Verwendung of Strafdaten is committed.

Präventive und pädagogische Ansätze

Neben de legitime maßnahmen spielt de prevention van een zentral Role in een Manner met Jugendlichen Straftätern. Try to help the souls, prevent delinquent cases and promote social integration. What weight gain is possible:

– Schuld- und Außerschulische Bildung: Bildungsangebote und Außerschulische Aktivitäten are young people’s perspectives and they abhalten from criminellen Verhaltensweisen.

– Family help: support for families through care, support and social services can be used to recognize and prevent superficial entwicklungs.

– Social projects: projects and programs, which focus on social competence and integration into the common community, with the most important Bausteine ​​​​der Präventionsarbeit.

– Appeal and awareness campaigns: scam campaigns and awareness campaigns are aimed at following the Straftaten-schärfen and a culture of respect and tolerance.


The childhood and youth years and the group with juvenile punishments are complex themes, which offer a balanced balance, erzieherische maßnahmen and preventive ansätzen erorderern. In Germany, criminal law is one of the punishments that serves the young person entitled to the collateral and exceeds the security and order in the Gesellschaft-gewährleistet. During the specialization of the company and one of the family members who are part of it, the chance of positive development and reintegration into the community is achieved.