
Theater – Residenztheater starts with Shakespeare – Bayern

Theater – Residenztheater starts with Shakespeare – Bayern

Munich (dpa/lby) – The Residenztheater started with a classic film in the new play era: Director Stephan Kimmig starred in the „Zomernachtstraum“.

There was talk of the History of ancient Athens in an uncertain Gegenwart. Seine Liebenden is not in a Wald, somewhere in the Wildnis of Großstadt, where Clubnacht and a Drogenrausch are said. If you are in Shakespeare’s Original, the figures of such a lie, nach your sexual identity and your identity.

The motto of the new Theater Season is “Zusammenspiel”. “With the “Wir”, the “Uns” and the “Zusammen” you are not alone in these individualistic times,” said Intendant Andreas Beck at the Vorstellung der Spielzeit. Here the Theater can become an Ort des Zusammenspiels, of Schauspielerinnen, Schauspielern and Publikum.

Ibsen, Fassbinder, Beckett

On the program we have more premieres with „Die Wildente“ by Henrik Ibsen (October 17) or „Bolwieser“ by Rainer Werner Fassbinder (21 November) after the Novel von Oskar Maria Graf. The new house director of Claudia Bauer with Samuel Becketts described “Warten auf Godot” (March 28, 2025) inszenieren.

Vom österreichischen Dramatiker Ewald Palmetshofer (‘Vor Sonnenaufgang’) releases the Uraufführung ‘Sankt Falstaff’ (January 17, 2025) after the Shakespearean drama ‘King Henry IV.’. And with “Sternstunden der Menschheit” after Stefan Zweig von Thom Luz (19. October) said that the Residenztheater was an Inszenierung of the Salzburg Festival.

“Die G’schicht vom Brandner Kasper”

The Saison Highlight: After 25 years of the Brandner Kasper im kommenden Summer zurück an das Bayerische Staatsschauspiel. Premiere of “Die G’schicht vom Brandner Kasper” on June 14, 2025 at the Cuvilliéstheater feiern. Franz von Kobell hatte die Erzählung 1871 veröffentlicht. They were also shown on the stage and made into a film. Kurt Wilhelm’s Inszenierung von 1975 in the Residenztheater with Bayerischen Schauspielgrößen with Fritz Straßner, Toni Berger and Gustl Bayrhammer is legendary.

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