
Labor market: The labor market is sinking now

Labor market: The labor market is sinking now

The Zahl der Arbeitslosen in Germany sank in September in the Vergleich zum Vormonat a 66,000 out of 2.806 million people. It costs 179,000 more when I’m in Vorjahr, anyone Federal Agency for Labor mediocre.

Arbeitslosigkeit und Unterbeschäftigung hätten aber “deutlich weniger” abgenommen as sonst in this Monat üblich, such as BA chief Andrea Nahles. The labor loss ratio fell to 0.1 out of 6.0 percent.

The fact that the labor costs went further: In September, no less than 696,000 employees were reported to be unemployed. $65,000 is needed for one year.

In the Vergleich der Bundesländer, the Labor Loss in Bremen lies with a Quote of 11.1 Prozent at höchsten, followed by Berlin with 9.8 Prozent. The lowest labor rate in the national average of Bayern with 3.8 percent. Thuringia and Brandenburg are the eastern states with the lowest quote, which lies at 6.1 percent.

The Kurzarbeit could be more: Zwischen dem 1. en dem 23. September seien Anzeigen für Kurzarbeit für 65,000 Personen entered, reported the Arbeitsagentur. A German translation has been published in the form of Vormonat.