
Lady Bazel is ready when Bazel is over

Lady Bazel is ready when Bazel is over

Das Volkshaus Basel combines stage, brasserie, bar and hotel into one house. Der Hotelteil mit seinen 45 Zimmern wurde kürzlich renovated.

Basel, Kunst und Kultur, that was a long time ago; one of the Zentralen Geschichte dahinter is legendary. In 1967, a Volksabstimmungstatt was established in Basel, where the Gelderland artwork of Pablo Picasso was established, one who stopped working in Basel. The people stimulated that Kauf zu, where Picasso waged such war, that the “Jeunesse de Bâle” is a work of art after Wahl donates wool.

The Lead Auditors of Hotellerie Suisse take into account the Sterneklassifikation jährlich 700 Beherbergungsbetriebe under die Lupe. Once a month the hotel review of the «Hotellerie Suisse Star des Monats» is shown. It is a matter of a bet positively influenced by the classification.

Because the director of art museums – with the knowledge of art museums – has been given an image – there are not two images that are separated, but Picasso’s wife is, but both images give. Worauf Picasso, the two images can be seen from both sides.

Art, Kultur and Baizen in Volkshaus Basel
Nun, a man in the Volkshaus Basel can no longer be amazed by these works of art and the dams that the “Jeunesse de Bâle” designed are no longer in Basel Gassen-en route. Aber that anecdotal description of the spirit of art, culture and experience is hanging in the city; das Volkshaus Basel sows davon.

Original sculptures and photographs of the Räume, of the house own people can see Gardi Hutters and ensure that guests in the Imi-Bar can rely on the art of the work of art, with exclusive stature buntglasfenster level.

Das Volkshaus Basel is not located in Zimmer, but in a hotel world
Nebst Bühne und Bar offers the traditional brasserie classic of the «Cuisine du Marché» and. The guts, modular options for seminars and the launch of the Innenhof-Gastronomie ran the lebendige gesamtprodukt ab.

The 45 Hotelzimmer is – fast as a Statement – ​​of world renowned Basler Architekturbüro Herzog & de Meuron gestaltet. This room is very materialistic, urban in spirit and very suitable for dealing with the people’s houses of Basel, ideal. A hotel guest has not found the Katze in Sack here: Jedes Zimmer is on the Homepage, as with the Bildern, with the low inner halb of the Gebäudes and a Grundrissplan that is very good. If you are staying in the hotel industry this is no longer standard.

The Volkshaus Basel is a kurzem as 4-star-hotel classiert and sisterätzlich with the special features of “boutique”, “design” and “seminars” extended. With the Australian and seinem pulsating culture, gastronomy and hotel bots, these examples are exemplary for Basels Stil.