
Apple Watch Series 10 is finally ready: this is the Uhren upgrade

Apple Watch Series 10 is finally ready: this is the Uhren upgrade

Tim Cook of the Apple Watch Series 10 at the Apple Events on September 9, the first product slot was released after the introduction, but it seemed that the clock was for the technology connoisseurs. So repeat the Verantwortlichen in the next 20 minutes about the intelligent Schmuck for the Handgelenk.

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This Anna has made an online copy for a number of years with 2,126 copies of those last years of Apple as the favorite Smartwatch market. Between 2019 and 2022, the Vermeintliche Monopole of the Unternehmens wieder and said, that the Umsatzzahlen im entsprechenden Zeitraum continuously increased since.

Who sees them: With the Watch Series 10, Apple lets the Release Rhythmus start sadly and interestingly at the beginning of New Year’s Eve with the active models.

If you want to upgrade, you can change it later.

The Apple Event from September 9 in a long time:

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Flacher, bigger, better? Apple’s Series Watch 10 in optimal display

With a thickness of 9.7 mm and a display with 416 x 496 pixels (46 mm model), the Watch 10 is fast zehn Prozent flacher In any case, it was larger than the Vorgänger model.

Apple Watch Series 10
The Apple Watch Series 10 has aged a bit in the previous generation. Photo: TV film/PR

Auch an der Helligkeit wurde gedreht: So die Sichtbarkeit je nach Betrachtungswinkel one up to its 40 Prozent an.

Apple’s Watch Series 10 is now available upon delivery Titan with PVD protection and let the aluminum version last a while. Please note: The Titan Gewand is a product that is 20 pieces lighter (approximately 10 g) than the Series 9 with stainless steel.

Who’s had a year-long hardware experience?

This design also applies to the performance of the Apple Watch Series 10 which is just as good. Thanks newer OLED technology Updated if the display in Always-On mode is now in Sekunden, like all 60 Sekunden.

Der Akku hat zwar die gleiche Maximallaufzeit von 18 Stunden (36 Stunden in Stromsparmodus), soll laut Aussagen des Herstellers jedoch in just 30 minutes at 80 Prozent Kapazität kommen.

Mittels modified Lautsprecher können Media wie Podcasts or Muziek ab sofort auch ohne Kopfhörer abspielt.

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Sour Improvement of telephones with the Smartwatch the background information can be adjusted, soda can become clearer.

Black gibt is a new chip service, which is available on S10 Anyway, the most likely Bauteil quantity is the following: With the S9 Chip, while the herzstück of the other models is, the processor of the Series 10 machines is learned and a boot or faster function is not simple.

Sports enthusiasts can look forward to the latest developments: the Apple Watch Series 10 is a fact Tiefenmesser (Funktioniert bei bis zu sechs Metern) en Temperature sensoran activity in the nas, nor genauer on the track.
Ergänzend dazu would die Oceanic+ app for detailed insights for Schnorcheln that are compatible. Darüber can no longer work with the new Gezeiten app If you want to see nature close by, you can visit Witterungen and Coasts, Beaches or Surf Spots.

Apple Watch Series 10
The temperature sensor and the temperature sensor of the Apple Watch Series 10 are especially interesting for washer lovers. Photo: TV film/PR

Schlafapnoe: Security update for the Apple Watch

On the Series 9, 10, Ultra 2 is the Beschleunigungssensor in Kürze (laut Apple nor in September) in the Lage, Atemstörungen während des Schlafs, which sogenannte Schlafapnoe, zu recognize. All 30 days will be used to delete the data in the Health app and possibly send it to the Apple Watch with an alert.

Apple Watch Series 10
Many people suffer from schlafapnoe – that is why the new Apple Watches with excellent functionality became the best. Photo: TV film/PR

Compact: the new Apple Watch Series 9 and 10

Apple Watch Series 9:

  • Display: Retina OLED (LTPO) with 41 mm/45 mm (aluminum and stainless steel)
  • Dimensions: 41 x 35 x 10.7 mm (352 x 430 pixels); 45 x 38 x 10.7 mm (396 x 484 pixels)
  • Chip: S9 with 4-core neural engine
  • Battery: up to 18 Stunden (36 Stunden in Stromspar mode)

Apple Watch Series 10:

  • Display: Retina OLED (LTPO3) with 42mm/46mm (aluminum and titanium)
  • Dimensions: 42 x 36 x 9.7 mm (374 x 446 pixels); 46 x 39 x 9.7 mm (416 x 496 pixels)
  • Chip: S10 with 4-core neural engine
  • Battery: up to 18 Stunden (36 Stunden in Stromspar mode)

Fazit: Few railway lines, still interesting changes

If the Apple Watch Series 9 is sold, there will only be new features with the most legitimate benefits. The Apple Watch Series 10 is no longer devoted to other pages, as Apple focuses on the refined tuning and eleganz exercises. Fans, who still do not have a smart smartwatch equipped with modern tracking technology, can definitively make a choice with the Kauf des 10er models.

Apple Watch Series 10 available: Farben, Varianten & Preise

Ab softly The Apple Watch Series 10 as a GPS and GPS+Cellular model is no longer available. Insgesamt are three different colors (Aluminium in Silber, Rose Gold, Diamond Black and Titan in Nature, Gold, Schiefer) for both your benefits.

The aluminum version is suitable for AB 449 euros/479 euros (ohne Cellular/with Cellular in 42 mm), please refer to ab 479 euros/599 euros (ohne Cellular/mit Cellular in 46 mm).

In Titan-Qualität quality, the Apple Watch Series 10 is available with mobile, the price of 799 euros (42mm), respectively 849 euros (46 mm), struck.

At Amazon it’s a good idea:

MediaMarkt has offered the Apple Watch Series 10 versions in different colors in their range:

Medizinische Auswertung says: Smartwatches can improve your life

Apropos Schlafapnoe: Dass de webfähigen Schmuckstücke in Einzelfällen sogar de Schutzengel mimen, says an additional explanation of the Gesellschaft für Kardiologie zum Thema “Wearables”. So come the Verfasser*innen of the Schluss, that “the Signal quality of EKG-based Wearables (…) comparable with the Signal quality of classic ECGs or Langzeit-ECGs” is, therefore “im Reich of the 1-Channel-ECG-Geräte (with that Methodology of Smartwatches (Ed.) has in most cases yielded a higher sensitivity and performance (>90%) for the detection of the previous phase.

look at OS11 update

Am September 16th gab is sodem ein cost loss Software update for the Apple Watch SE (2nd generation), Apple Watch Series 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Apple Watch Ultra and Ultra 2. These are easy to use:

  • Activities for your Jewish weekend
  • Vitalzeichen app for health dating with the Schlafs
  • Training load in the active app: see which workouts were performed correctly
  • Photos Zifferblatt: Read the Apple Watch in the media center, a personal background image is displayed – or get creative yourself
  • Zyklusprotokoll: View the Schwangerschaft for the time in the Apple Watch
  • Smart Stack: Widgets are now automatically displayed when they are braucht (zB on illegal arrangement)
  • Ubersetzen app (20 Sprachen)
  • own Trainings for Beckenschwimmen

If you buy smartwatches, this is worth ordering the iPhone XS.

Apple Watch Ultra 2: Three small Neuigkeiten

A minor update is available for the Apple Watch Ultra 2. Ab softly gibt es die Mega-Uhr in Titan Black with a dazugehörigen Milanaise Bracelet for insgesamt 999 euros. At MediaMarkt you can order the product:

Also build Apple seine Kooperation mit der Modemarke Hermes from: Die uit de Fusion-kreierte Sonderedition der Ultra 2-kost 1,579 euros and feierte ebenfalls on 20. September den Verkaufsstart.

Apple Watch Ultra 2
Edel & teuer: That Apple Watch Ultra 2 in the Hermès edition. Photo: TV film/PR

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