
Bürgergeld-Empfänger genervt vom Bus: Amt soll Führerschein zahlen

Bürgergeld-Empfänger genervt vom Bus: Amt soll Führerschein zahlen

Were you to have a good time while you were there, after all, the food you take with you is essential, although: A Spa is not that. Dennoch often turned out to be people who do not own any type of car, but not others. It is a Schicksal, that is the citizen money employee Sandra and her 24-year-old Sohn Jan Schultern müssen.

The two protagonists of the RTL-Zwei-Sozial report “Armes Deutschland” cannot follow their course nor their own Fahrer. A Bekannter likes to be Bedarf von A nach B kutschiert. If it is the case that they are both Bürgergeld-Empfänger. Now you can also experience the Tages adventures by bus or Fuß. A child who died in the 55th century and was his son is no longer a pleasure. Ein Führerschein solves her. Bezahlt of course vom Amt.

Bürgergeld-Duo will Führerschein vom Amt

“With a single Führerschein, man would be more flexible. Then come man überall hin. Dann braucht man nichts targen“, weiß Sandra. Nun gut, own power is still a car. There is a drum. Dennoch: Der Führerschein soll non endlich kommen. Schließlich costs on the bus.

A couple discovers an external inhalation of Instagram by a redaktion company. There is an article and can be viewed and viewed with a click.

I have only one understanding, so my external content is known. Persons can be involved who can take over the inflow and the Dritt service.

“With 6.60 Euro bus fare you could buy a Woche Wurst, was zu trinken,” said Sandra vor. Problem bl0ß: Auch der Führerschein costs Money. “The Führerschein is a matter of time in the moment”, weiß Jan. If you work hard, you will be happy in the August of the 24th year.

Jobcenter will first see the Labor Delay

Problem: Schon mehrfach haben Sandra und Jan Anträge an ds Jobcenter gestellt, die Kosten voor de Führerschein zu übernehmen. This person borrows from the Jobcenter as Mal ab. “The problem is that the wool first has the employment contract, the Job Center, and then the Führerschein can get it,” says Sandra. But not mit ihr: “I will see the Führerschein and then the Arbeitsvertrag.”

Everything you need to know about your citizen’s money

Ob tie clap? This will take place in the new Folge “Armes Deutschland”, the RTL Zwei kommenden Dienstag (1. October 2024) at 8.15 pm. Important: Persons where Jan and Sandra died. Most Empfänger von Sozialleistungen wollen schnellstmöglich wieder in Lohn und Brot.