
Is there diabetes in diabetes?

Is there diabetes in diabetes?

People with diabetes generally do not need backup that contains brot and brötchen, which can often contain carbohydrate contents. The common diabetes organization DE – Deutsche Diabetes-Hilfe rät ihnen jedoch, auf Sorten with a hohen Vollkorn- and Ballaststoffanteil zu een.

If diabetes mellitus is diagnosed, carbohydrate therapy should be carried out in the follow-up treatment with excess weight at eight weeks. Tomorrow you start in the Tag, in the Mittagspause or zum Abendessen: Many people find it best not to view a dish on a “Brotzeit”. This is not the case: “People who are overweight or one of the best type 2 diabetics are with full-fat, whole-food brot with lean build-ups and targeting. Weißbrot, jedes süße Brot and sonstige Backwaren sollten nur selten were gegessen,” says Dr. Astrid Tombek, Diabetesberaterin and Ökotrofologin.

In general, people who have high levels of diabetes are more likely to develop German disease, type 2 diabetes in general. The research into a European study with 300,000 study results at the University of Cambridge and Imperial College London, which has been published in The Lancet Regional Health – Europe. Auch Backwaren can deliver high quality if you use the Beispiel Gebäck from Weißmehl.