
So the Trinkflasche nicht zur Keimfalle

So the Trinkflasche nicht zur Keimfalle

Bacteria, Algae, Fungal Pile: Find a warm climate, so that you can heal well – and be safe during health risks. It can be in the Trinkflasche passion, during the rude game and become the Umgebungsluft Keime. If you use the Tüv-Verband: Trinkflaschen, the man who uses the label, you must clean the label.

If you come into contact with your hands, reimburse the Flasche with the washer and the spülmittel out. If you no longer see the cleaning problem, you may want to use a flask brush or a sauber wash brush by hand. Gerade schwer erreichbare Ritzen – etwa am Verschluss oder Deckel – welding itself so good scrubbing.

In der Spülmaschine: leastestens 60 Grad

Manche Trinkflaschen dürfen auch in the Spülmaschine. The Tüv-Verband is running, a program with a mental state of 60 degrees. Dadurch würden die meisten Keime abgetötet.

The bottle is now in the kitchen appliance or in the food processor: I am a company that can use the entire kitchen. Cooking directly and standing in the kitchen sink is not a good idea, but a rest feuchte is not necessary, the beds for eating are good. Besser: Insult one of the Luft-trocknen or with a sauberen Tuch nachhelfen.

Flasche muffles? Backpulver or Natron for intensive cleaning

Rich Ihre Flasche schon etwas unangenehm? Dann müssen Sie bei der Reinigung noch een Schippe drauflegen. The Tüv-Verband rät: de Flasche, sofern das Material das abkann, für einige Minuten in kochendes Wasser. A special cleaning tablet is required.

Alternatively, man can use Natron or Backpulver for intensive cleaning. If you are using a check valve or a teat bottle in the bottle, let the water heat up and make a few steamy welds. If you don’t, it won’t. Anschließend spült man die Flasche gründlich aus.

Note: Natron and Backpulver can use plastic if you use the Tüv-Verband cleaning method for glass and stainless steel bottles.

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