
Turbo Long auf Verbio: Expansion in the US can yield profitable results! Optionsscheineanalyse – oc – Börsennachrichten

Frankfurt ( – Author: Marcus LandauProduct Manager at DZ BANK

Die Verbio SE (ISIN DE000A0JL9W6 / WKN A0JL9W) can be one of the products produced from biokraft fabrics and biomethane and a slate set with its products that contribute to the reduction of CO₂ emissions.

We are proud of our current market forecast for 2023/24 with an EBITDA of 121.6 million. Euro achievements. With new projects being explored in the US, Verbio is being revisited and a number of important Meilensteine, a production and efficiency publication, are in the pipeline.

Biokraft fabric in the packaging of the geschäftsaktivitäten

Verbio SE produces biokraft fabrics with biodiesel and bioethanol from raw materials such as Getreide, Raps, Corn and Zuckerrüben. These biokraft fabrics serve as alternative and extremely friendly options for reducing fossil fuels and reducing CO2 emissions. Neben Biokraftstoffen produce Verbio Biomethane during the processing of organic waste and biomass. Biomethane is used as a new alternative and can be used in the future, part of the energy supply in the gas network, as Kraftstof for the car and for the warm-up vehicle. Verbio participates in the development of energy systems, creating new energy sources. Dazu hears innovative technologies for efficiency and use of waste materials for energy use.

Herausforderndes Marktumfeld – Jahresprognose wurde dennoch erreicht

On September 26, the observations of the report for the Geschäftsjahr 2023/24 are presented. In the Mitteilung the herausfordernden Rahmenbedingungen will be reformed. Here you can expect a sunk THG quota price and cost reimbursement from Verbios Wachstumsprojekten in the US. The information lagged behind the EBITDA by 121.6 million. Euro in a period of 120 million euros. up to 150 million. Euro. Im Vorjahreszeitraum wurden nor 240.3 Mio. Euro is sad. Positive results have been achieved, with a record production of more than 1 million. Tons of biodiesel and bioethanol contain 1,100 GWh of biomethane. Im Vorjahreszeitraum were completely light 0.9 Mio. Tons and 1,078 GWh produced. Operating cash flow could result in lower sales tax in the sector and a tax reduction of 26.1 million. Euro to 116.8 million. Euro were raised. The net financial debts are based on major investments and investments in strategic projects at 32.9 million. Euro rose. After 70.3%, equity lagged behind at 67.4%.

Meilensteine ​​​​was settled

On September 26, the time had come for the Meilensteine ​​​​to be put on, while I had taken on Fortschritte for a year. In the meantime, US South Bend ethanol production will increase for a year, while ethanol production will stabilize in the year 2024. Positiv wurde auch revorgehoben, dass im Summer 2024 der Start der ommerziellen Restellung von Ethanol aus Mais in Nevada angelaufen ist. The biomethane production line would be put on the market and is as good as possible with the start of production, a waste stream from bioethanol production. For the company in 2024/25, management has become clear, while the man has developed a core project that has initially positively influenced the US market through its EBITDA-heavy growth. In Europe you can ask the product and Rohstoff price questions about the THG quotation on a roll. On 1. Halbjahr 2023/24, Verbio nor vertraglich fixierten, attractive profit prices, soft drinks on the Vergleichsbasis could be at a relatively high level. The information about 2024/25 growth was an EBITDA in the range of 120 million. up to 160 million. Euro review. Look at the results of the indebtedness, a manufacturing company in Europe and North America investing in the bio-base of specialty chemicals.

Attractive Ausgangs base for Kursanstiege

The positive impetus during the presentation of the data for the abolition of the debt burden is the result of the successful financing of the Kaufinterest of the alerted investors. In that case it is so interesting that the consensions for 2025 yield an EPS at a height of 0.98 euros, but the KGV25e works at 18.20 lies. The huge expansion in the US and the potential profitability can be increased by the EPS profit in 2027 at 1.48 euros, which costs KGV27e at approx. 12 recessed walls.

Trade idea: Endlos-Turbo Long Optionsschein on Verbio SE

Please note that one of the positive stocks of the American Verbio SE has developed into an alternative to a direct investment with an Endlos-Turbo Long Options scheme from the DZ BANK which is based on the Verbio SE (base) on a stock set (ISIN DE000DQ724R7 / WKN DQ724R). With Endlos-Turbo Long Optionsscheinen you can work uber-proportionally and all on a so-called lying basis. Starting up the Hebelwirkung, an Endlos-Turbo Long Optionsschein responds to the smallest Kursbewegungen of the zugrunde lying Basiswerts. If the truth about lies is based on the growth of time, or if it is no longer possible to limit the risks, then the only capital has not reached the highest degree of the world. If you run on the basis of lying lies, one of the time points of the time will show an endlos-Turbo Long Options option in some way. Note knockout barriers (knockout honors), paint of the Endlos-Turbo long Optionsschein wertlos. The Knock-Out Barrier is over. Ansprüche aus dem zugrunde ligende Basiswert (zB Dividenden, Stimmrechte) stehen dem Anleger nicht zu. An Endlos-Turbo long Optionsschein hat cannot be a festive Laufzeit. An application can be made for the most common terms (orderly lending) while the DZ BANK is being processed. There can be a long Endlos-Turbo option in a festgelegten Terminen (Einlösungstermine) einlösen.

A ganzlichen Verlust des single Capitals erleads the Anleger at an Endlos-Turbo long Optionsschein with Basiswert Verbio SE-Aktie, if the Kurs der Aktie of the Unternehmens Verbio SE goes to a promising Zeitpunkt with the Haltedauer at or below the Knock-Out-Barrière known. (Total verlustriskiko). Ein Totally delighted the single capital is auch possible, when the DZ BANK goes on sale aus dem Produkt aufgrund behördlicher Anordnungen or der einer Insolvenz (Zahlungsunfähigkeit / Überschuldung) not more inheritance possible.

A detailed description of the generated product description can be found in our glossar.

Status: 26.09.2024, DZ BANK AG / Online Editorial

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Hinweis auf den Prospect
The best settings of the DZ BANK are the first basic prospects who spend a night and view the most suitable beds on the DZ BANK internet page and at DQ724R ( dort unter ” Dokumente”) were abrogated. If you read the forecast before you make an analysis, you can see the risks and opportunities of the divorce, in the commercial paper you invest, what you can do. The bill of the prospects of the sister Behörde is not as the financing of angebotenen or zum Handel an einem regulated marktzugelassenen commercial paper on verstehen. If you are a novice, a product can never be a problem and there is no other way.

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Possible options for interested parties: Possible options for interested parties can be found on the site of the authors/of the quotes Analyzeat sometime.