
Huawei Watch D2: Description of the Huawei Smartwatch

Huawei Watch D2: Description of the Huawei Smartwatch


The new Huawei Watch D2 is displayed with an exact 24-touch message.
© Huawei

If you care about your own health and may be experiencing blood pressure problems, this is the new Smartwatch Huawei Watch D2 in August fassen. The fact that we have the Tagen-vorgestellte Wearable is the first art, that is a Medizinisch Zertifizierte 24-Stunden-Blutdruckmessung erlaubt.

Huawei Watch D2: Your own sound while watching

Bereits the first iteration of Watch D was a complete experience. With the new Huawei Watch D2, the recounter is not aware of a ship. The Smartwatch gives a light price to 24-hour Blutdruck messages directly on the hand and the system supports on HarmonyOS, iOS and Android devices.

That’s Wearable at that moment brand new Huawei TruSense systemUsing sensors and other remote messaging means good healthcare in now even more advanced services.

That Watch D2 is available An inflated wristband in the braceletthrough the Smartwatch with Blutdruck messenger and constant monitoring. So it is possible that we are constantly passing on a manual message, which can accept hypertonicity risks.


The Huawei Watch D2 continues to charge overnight.
© Huawei

Thanks for the high level of reporting that is portable Zertifizierung als ambulantes Blutdrucküberwachungsgerät (ABPM) erhalten. If the CE-zertifiziertes Gerät (MDR) is the Watch D2 in the Lage, exact data can be obtained.

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Von Experten tested set

There are more German experts, pundits and professors who have tested the functionality and quality of their personal devices and said they last longer.

Prof. Dr. David DunckerHead of the Hannover Herzrhythmus Centrum and der Klinik für Kardiologie und Angiologie van de Medzinische Hochschule Hannover, said about the high quality of the Huawei Watch D2:


Prof. Dr. David Duncker told us that the message of health parameters is the frühe recognition of health.
© Huawei

“Kardiovaskuläre Überwachung ist sehr wichtig! Cardiovascular health is affected by all possible causes of the disease. It is one of the most important Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen: Bluthochdruck (arterielle Hypertonie Koronare Herzerkrankung, Herzschwäche (Herzinsuffizienz), Herzrhythmusstörungen.

The HUAWEI WATCH D2 works with the One Click Health Glance function of a simple way, the cardiovasculature is integrated into the Alltag. With one click the ECG, SpO2, Blutdruck and other health parameters are carried out in a swimming minute process. This feature has never been better, the whole situation is a matter of solidifying and undoing the messages you can read,” So Professor Duncker

Ouch Dr. Daniel M. PlecityThe Chief Medical Officer at the Kreisklinik Ebersberg/Munich, Germany, is the Wearable printed: “What function does the 24 Blutdruckmessung of Watch D2 have and what is wrong with it? Das Ergebnis: Ich bin schwer beeindruckt! Egal, ob am Tag or in der Nacht, the WATCH D2 is integrated into my Alltag.


Dr. Daniel M. Plecity has integrated the Huawei D2 into all tags.
© Huawei

My personal plus:

  • Mini pump: This is absolutely carried out. Now that you have some hindrance, you can enjoy your journey in the air.
  • Features: The display of the 24 messages can be set yourself and tags are added to the regular messages, recommending a certain sitting position, a message standard that has been customized.
  • Correkte Messung: Auch in der Nacht ermittelt die WATCH D2 korrekte Werte abhängig von der Schlafposition.
  • Ruhiger Schlaf: Tomorrow you will announce a protocol on blood pressure messages in 30 minutes. In the end, I wait a bit at night by the pump.”
Huawei test

The result is that the Huawei Watch D2 blueprint message has been tested and tested well.
© Huawei

The Huawei Watch D2 works for hassle-free management and can no longer be turned off, but the following indicators can be monitored:

  1. Electrocardiogram
  2. Herzfrequenzüberwachung
  3. SpO2: pulse oximetric measurements Sauerstoffsatttigung
  4. Calorie naufnahme
  5. Schlafüberwachung
  6. Stressüberwachung
  7. Temperature

Huawei Watch D2: a modern smartwatch

If you notice the 24th printing error messages and the sensor sensors of the Huawei Watch D2, you can check them out. The handle and the beef 40 grams are portable with a weight 1.82 Zoll larger AMOLED display then, displayed at 480 x 480 pixels and with saturated colors and excellent contrasts. There is hell in the Spitze that ends at 1,500 cd/m².

Das Gehäuse, wahlweise in een schwarzen or goldenen Farbgebung erhältlich, comes with a robust aluminum alloy daher. The controls are not possible, but the touchscreen is great drehbare Krone. Darunter verügt the Uhr over a permeable function, which is also carried out for the control of the ECG.

Darüber is the Watch D2 with IP68 for Staub and Wasser protected and punktet with a Akkulaufzeit von bis zu sechs Tagen at more typical Nutzung. Of course, it may be that the Zifferblätter zur Auswahl, with the exclusion of an individual, can become.

Over 80 training modes, the GNSS positioning has started with an automatic display of the active activities. Thanks to the Bluetooth connection, you can reach any problem with your device Smartphone placed directly on the Smartwatch.

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Huawei Watch D2: I am Huawei Online Store with free accessories

The Huawei Watch D2 is so comfortable that a retail price of 399.00 Euro is no longer possible. Buy the Huawei FreeBuds 5i earbuds in the Huawei Online Store today on October 24 for a price of 99 euros, which includes a high Huawei Care guarantee. Zusätzlich expenses from the Hersteller beim Kauf a Gutschein über 49.00 Euro Rabatt for the smart Waage Huawei Scale 3, which you lose costs.

Huawei Watch D2

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