
Luxury hotel “Badischer Hof”: Nach Hotelbrand with a million-dollar sale

Three years after the Großfire in the Hotel «Badischer Hof» Baden-Baden but the Landgericht über a Millionenklage des Gebäudeversicherers separated. The version requires after the judgments of TÜV South Damages at a rate of 37.5 million euros. Darüber hinaus will see the Haftung celebrations for more Schäden in Millionenhöhe. Grund: The TÜV has a construction Überprüfungen Fehler-gemacht.

Die Rolle der Sprinkleranlage

If you see that the fire sprinkler system has not increased in size and the water pressure in the water hydrants has not increased, a brand in the bearing space has been consumed if it releases. The brand in the Dachgeschoss has raised a large part of the men and a Zerstörung of the Dachs and another part of the Gebäudes führen können. There are also large losses in the Keller des Gebäudes entstanden.

TÜV-bestreitet Fehler

Due to the TÜV best rating, there are people and sprinkler and wall hydrant anlages that were these for the Schäden. There is a cost saving of more than 66,000 euros.

Such concrete work in the spare time for orientation has produced good prüft and not a single wringer. Add a sprayer to a brand nicht löschen; that’s all I need when I’m empty.

Enormous damage

At Brand in September 2021 there was a war that raised 50 million euros. Rund 160 Gäste must get damals from my beds, as mittens in the Night Flammen lighterloh aus dem Dachstuhl schlugen. Zunächst war ein früherer Hotel-Mitarbeiter roads Brandstiftung in Suspected. The Staatsanwaltschaft Baden-Baden has founded the Verfahren, but the Suspect is no longer reliable.

Elongated Sanitation

Since the brand will be cleaned by the hotel itself. If all goes well, the eigenvalue of the SWR cannot be prevented from being displayed on the screen.

The Landgericht has issued a Verkündungstermin on 20 December (9:00 am). If you spend any time focusing on your knowledge or even a statistical study, this is an offense.

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