
Feinschmecker – Street Food Festival gastiert on Ybbser Donaulände

street food

Street Food Festival on the Donaulände.

European Street Food Festival

EThe European Street Food Festival is organized on the Ybbser Donaulände in September.

Seit März tours the European Street Food Festival in Österreich and on 28 hours. and September 29th, abermals in the Donaustadt Ybbs a stopp ainlegen. The Veranstalter versprechen am Freigelände around the Melker Wachauarena “Genuss aus aller Welt”.

The concept is simple: Each food truck provides Köche and Aussteller with Köstlichkeiten from all Himmelsrichtungen. Whether Mexican, Norwegian, Indian or American – the Schmankerl was immediately accepted.

The first Ybbser Family Fair takes place at the same time as the Festival. You can recommend a product from an Aussteller product to the theme industry, the family and family life in general.