
Kiwanis raises children and young people: 1,000 euros for the support of the Bildungscampus West

Kiwanis raises children and young people: 1,000 euros for the support of the Bildungscampus West

The city planner Professor Mario Flammann from the Pesch Partner Architektur und Stadtplanung, Stuttgart/Dortmund, established in Heilbronn, presents jetzt at the Kiwanis Club Heilbronn Neckartal with a urban architectural construction for the transparent and climate-protected Bildungscampus West. In the seiner Art there states a lonely Wissensquartier that, two inner Lernräume and Freiräume miteinander verschmelzen.

Kiwanis President Steffen Schoch, together with Steffen Muth, received a check for 1,000 euros from Professor Mario Flammann, from the projects of the Fördervereins of the Paul-Meyle-Schule in Heilbronn. The Förderverein of the Paul-Meyle-Schule was formed in March 1977 and is a gemeinnütziger, an established Verein, on which Eltern, LehreInnen and Freunde der Schule are working. Der Verein is a matter of prudence and expenditure. After UNICEF, Kiwanis is the largest children’s charity organization that is voluntarily active for the World of Children and the Community.

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