
Waldverlust zwingt Languren zu Kreuzungen zwischen Arten

Waldverlust zwingt Languren zu Kreuzungen zwischen Arten

New Gefahr for bedroom Primates

Research from the German Primate Centers – Leibniz-Institut für Primatenforschung – zeigen a bedrohliche Entwicklung für zwei gefährdete Primatenarten in Bangladesh: Phayre-Brillenlanguren (Trachypithecus phayrei) and Kappenlanguren (Trachypithecus Pilate). In Gemischten Gruppen, both Arten can be hybrid gefunden and genetic bestätigt. When hybridization is complete, either artenbedeut (International Journal of Primatology) can be found.

Fünf Jahre lang (2018-2023) has an international Forscherteam under the Leitung von Tanvir Ahmed, Doktorand am Deutschen Primatenzentrum, the long population in the North of Bangladesh. If you are here, you have eight of the 98 long-term files with Phayre and Kappenlanguren files and in three groups some individuals as a part of both arts. Conduct analyzes of the Forscher practical studies that work in the German primate centers and provide the best results of hybridization. Dieser Langur has a Kappenlanguren-Mutter and a Phayre-Brillenlanguren-Vater. Another weibchen, which was a hybrid, said Anzeichen von Mutterschaft, was a real challenge, the most weibliche hybrids could be fruitful and bring the youth of the world.

Hybridization: There are no seltenes, but it is a good problem

Hybridization is possible in primates in general, occurs aber in the areas, in case the expansion possibilities distort the art. Menschliche Aktivitäten wie de Abholzung von Wäldern, de Fragmentierung von Lebensräumen und Jagd führen zischen Ausdünnung der Populationen and schränken the Wanderungen of Individuals zischen localn Populationen ain. There may be a risk of hybridization. Tanvir Ahmed, head of the study, said: “The existing fruit-bearing hybrids are alarming, we know that the Genfluss both gefährdeten Arten inhre can cause a number of irreversible beeinfluses”. Christian Roos, research leader of the study, has investigated the global implications of research: “It is not a local problem at all. If life is terminated, many more gemstone groups are created and hybridization may occur. You may use one or both works of art.”

Urgent Handlungsbedarf: Waldschutz und Forschung als Schlüssel für Haltungsstrategien

The study that has been carried out means that the geschützte Wälder has a higher population density von Languren than weniger geschützte Wälder. These kinds of things are often small, isolated and fragmentary, an elongated art of art. “The protection of the world must become a national priority in Bangladesh. If you never trade again, if you run out of money, you can see some of the organic food from Bangladesh,” said Tanvir Ahmed. If the Schutz der Wälder has a continuous hereditary inheritance, the Auswirkungen der Hybridization is the reinforcement and the geeignete Schutzstrategy of the entwickeln. Dietmar Zinner, head of the study, quickly summarizes: “This study is a waste. If there is more data, a long, long strategy for the influenced art of entwickeln will hold. “Weitere Research became a help, the Ausmaß der Hybridisierung and the Auswirkungen menschlicher Aktivitäten zu stehen and de slimmsten Folgen zu verhindern”.
Provided that no more than 500 Phayre-Brillenlanguren and 600 Kappenlanguren in Nordosten Bangladeshläuft de Zeit für diese Arten ab. If you use such a strong maßnahmen, the experience of the Wälder becomes so great that the Schaffung of the Ausbreitungskorridoren in the Wäldern goes ahead for both Arten circuits.

The next Schritte

Im Rahmen seines vom Deutschen Primatenzentrum en dem Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst geförderten Promotionsprojekts konzentriert sich Tanvir Ahmed now a great angel impressed by long-term population and the consequences of the climate walk. Die Gegebnisse sollen zu einem adapted Aktionsplan für den Schutz der Languren in Bangladesh beitragen.