
Blutkrebs-Schock is a Darren Eales from Newcastle United

Blutkrebs-Schock is a Darren Eales from Newcastle United

Those fans are happy

Krebs-Schock is a credible Fußball-Boss

Newcastle United is with Darren Eales

Newcastle United is under the spell of Darren Eales.


Der Blutkrebs trennt ihn von seiner großen Liebe!

In August 2022, Darren Eales (52) appeared as Geschäftsführer at the English Traditionsklub Newcastle United. If the company plays in history, the fans are honored – but the plötzliche verkündet is one of the Rücktritt. Guilt is a horror diagnosis!

Darren Eales came away from the fans

This one focuses on hanging the Premier League teams, so hey! Am Freitag imposes Eales sein Amt nieder, der 52-Jährige muss sich einem which Kampf women. Eales leads a chronic form of broke loans, which is offered in an official employment relationship.

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“Geschäftsführer of Newcastle United is one of the best privileges and with an unglazed stollz, the exciting journey from the Klubs to his life. It has become clear that the right time is right, this separation will take place, because I can put my health and family priority“, erklärt Eales seine Entscheidung.

After the Amtsintritt-führt in Newcastle has gone to the other Stärke. The Magpies are in the Champions League comeback after 21 years of abstinence, played on their last 24 years in a national pokal final. Newcastle am Ende lost badly against Manchester United, the Stolz über the remarkable Leistung überwiegt everyone in the Verein.

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