
2. League: Rapid II brings Ried to Fall next

2. League: Rapid II brings Ried to Fall next

Schon in der eighten Minute-steckte Hedl for Noah Bischof gets through an unsorted Rieder Hintermannschaft. The 1:0 war starts with a temporary offensive spectacle in the first half, while the Hausherren are an Antwort fanden. Fabian Wohlmuth incited a free war, 30 meters away in Kreuzeck (25.). After the new, postwend recovered guest spritzte Wilfried Eza am Fünfer in a Flanke – 2:2 (30.).

I’m sure the Wiener works in defense mode, while I encounter few solutions with the lower Block. Das vermeintliche 3:2 von Eza zählte weg Abseits nicht. So hate Rapid das letzte Wort. If there is a Fehlpass in the Aufbau war, Hedl will go on and davon and will play his season game.

Wohlmuth with Traumtor zum Ausgleich (25.)

The Rieder is swimming fast, I am Ende ist das wenig

“There is an extreme schmerz, because they were unpleasant Gegentore. From others you can see what the game is like, who the fans can no longer play after the game is played. The first half has been distorted, but the half can have a clear chance more, and a single wurden will be one of the best. Because the hinterland has ended here and the end has been reached, says Ried trainer Maximilian Senft in the ORF interview.

Signal pendant Jürgen Kerber is happy to be a part of Sieg. “People who do this can concentrate and become efficient. If you have a clear plan, you can adapt. We hope that we will be able to spend time with you, but it will be possible for us to do so.”

Auch „Falken“ lassen Federn

Kapfenberg lies about a hint of a Zähler Ried, the Vorsprung auf Bregenz (17) schmolz auf a Zähler. Oghenetejiri Adejenughure brought Liefering früh auf Kurs (6.). It is a premier at swimming league level for the 17-year-old ÖFB-Nachwuchsstürmer.

Liefering won in Kapfenberg

Die Salzburger feiern in der Steiermark in de second Saisonsieg.

Kapfenbergs bemühungen fielen in der Folge brotlos aus, Luka Reischl take care of the waste for the Entscheidung (90.) zugusten der neuntplatzierten “Jungbullen”, die zum zweiten Mal nach Anfang August gewannen.

Vienna vergaß Schuhe im Hotel

The Party in Bregenz started with a zehnminütiger Verspätung. The guests are welcome during their stay at the hotel. In Tritt the Viennese first fanned after the break, in the Cedomir Bumbic (47.) and Kelvin Boateng (67.) the 2:0-Führung der Heimischen nach Toren von Lars Nussbaumer (12.) and Mario Vucenovic (15.) ausglichen .

I am reaching the finish of Regi Van Acker’s team of the four Sieg in Folge. Two Lattenkopfbälle is still standing in Vienna without damage, but Renan de Ball zum 3:2 ins Tor naked (80.). Danach flog Bumbic roads Kritik vom Platz.

Punkteilung in Südstadt, Spectacle in Horn

A fair punk teilung goes into a promising game in the Südstadt. The Admira (16) dominates the first half, in the second half the fun areas Lustenauer (12) go to Ton. A hit was one of the Vorarlbergen in the night, after Albin Gashi had waged a war with the perpetrator Sohle against Fabian Gmeiner (83.).

There is a Sechstore spectacle in Regen in Horn. The host did not bring a 2:0 and 3:2 performance to Amstetten for a first stay since May in Trockene, the NÖ-Duell endete 3:3. Amir Abdijanovic (22.), Din Barlov (29.), Florian Fischerauer (65.) bzw. Charles-Jesaja Herrmann (44.), Thomas Mayer (59.) and Yannick Oberleitner (71.) performed. Hoorn is Elfter (7), Amstetten Sechster (11).

Admiral 2. League, eighth Runde


Ried – Rapid II 2:3 (2:2)

Tore: Wohlmuth (25.), Eze (30.) bzw. Bischof (8.), Hedl (26., 82.)

Kapfenberg – Liefering 0:2 (0:1)

Tor: Adejenughure (6.), Reischl (90.)

Bregenz – Vienna 3:2 (2:0)

Tore: Nussbaumer (12.), Vucenovic (15.), Renan 80.) bzw. Bumbisch (47.), Boateng (67.)

Gelb-Rote Karte: Bumbic (83./Vienna)

Admira – Lustenau 0:0

Hoorn – Amstetten 3:3 (2:1)

Tore: Abdijanovic (22.), Barlov (29.), Fischerauer (65.) bzw. Hermann (44.), Mayer (59.), Oberleiter (71.)


St. Pölten – Stripfing/Meadows 2.30 pm

Sturm II – Voitsberg 8 p.m

Son tag:

FAC Wien – Lafnitz 10.30 am
