
Trauer a Muriel Furrer: 18-Jährige starb nach Unfall at Rad-WM

Trauer a Muriel Furrer: 18-Jährige starb nach Unfall at Rad-WM

A day after the collapse of the junior races, 18-year-old Schweizerin Muriel suffered a blackout in the Freitag. The intention is that the organizers and the sports association are committed.

Zurich – Die Rad-WM in Zurich met Tod der Schweizer Nachwuchsfahrerin Muriel Furrer überschattet. The 18th birthday in the Donnerstag in the Road Race of the Juniors and erlitt a schweres Schädel-Hirn-Trauma. The Freitag started with the Verletzungen, who are the WM Organizers and the Weltverband UCI that support the U23 Racing. Die noch bis Sonntag anberaumte Großveranstaltung wird dennoch fortgesetzt.

The program runs on the Bewerbe – in the Samstag is the Frauen-Rennen in Szene, the men in the Sonntag – continue with zurückgefahren. The WM flags in Zurich are placed on the halbmast and the siegerehrungs are made smaller. The UCI said during the Samstagabend Gala ab.

The separation of the fortsetzung from the WM is affected by the furrer family after the backlash and the war, this is the case. “With the help of Muriel Furrer, the international Radsport-Community loses a Fahrerin, the a great Zukunft for itself,” wrote the UCI in one of the Mitteilung.

“Thank you to Muriel’s family and friends. Ruhe in Frieden, dear Muriel”, thank you to the Team Visma for the two Tour-de-France-Siegers Jonas Vingegaard in the social media, in the form of personal information and professional information from Teams Beileidsbekundungen posted. .

Auch Sandra Mäder, the mumbling of the last time verunglückten Schweizers Gino Mäder, reports with moving roots. “Liebe Familie Furrer, I live with Euch. I am intensive and I am so happy, who has Euch jetzt gehen muss. Haltet Euch fest. I wish Euch ganz fell Kraft, diese Stunden durchzustehen.”

Continue developing Talent. Look at the street, the mountain bike and the active cyclocross. At Mountainbike-EM in Romania you will win the Bronze Medal in Team-Wettkampf. Continue to exclude the WM-Strecke.

Uncertainty about a Sturz and Bergung

It is not yet clear who will have a war with Sturz. Die Untersuchungen laufen. The Veranstalter works on the Behörden. “The State Public Health Service and the Police Office are currently available for information,” says OK chief Olivier Senn. There can’t be anything wrong. The Schweizer Zeitung “Blick” reports fragmentary renderings of the Rettung. If a helicopter has landed in the Waldstück first one day after running, it will be financed in another hole.

Bekannt is bisher, dass sie in een Waldstück auf der Runde auf der Nordseite des Zürichsees zu Fall gekomen war, die in alle Straßenspelen fahren wird. For the Absicherung on the WM-Strecke, a 27 kilometer long run through the Zürcher Umland, the organizers in Vorfeld during Lob. After the Unfall von Furrer the Sicherheitsvorkehrungen nor a mold erhöht has. “We will have more streckenposten in the Abfahrt and will continue to have the Abfahrt in the morning. We will have the maximum for the safety of the Fahrer,” Senn said. “We will all be happy with the situation, but we will have more time and more.”

In the younger years the Stürze im Radsport becomes bigger. In the June 2023 war, a shock was discovered during the Tour of Switzerland. I am Julie Stürzte from the Norwegian André Drege at the Österreich-Rundfahrt on the Abfahrt vom Großglockner in den Tod. (, APA, dpa)

Todesfälle in Straßenlopen:

  • Tom Simpson (England, 1967): During the climb to the Mont Ventoux, the Brite in the Tour de France with glühender Hitze is in trouble. The autopsy is very important: Simpson has a cocktail with alcohol and amphetamines in the drink.
  • Fabio Casartelli (Italian, 1995): The Olympiad stops during the Tour de France on the Abfahrt in the Pyrenees and races in the Straßenbegrenzung aus Beton. Erliegt seinen Kopfverletzungen.
  • Andrej Kiwilev (Kasakhstan, 2003): There is a strong connection with the countryside of the Paris-Nizza Fernfahrt and you can see your head start in no time. Danach would eingeführt Helmpflicht for Profis.
  • José Maria Jimenez (Spain, 2003): The grim Kletterer stirred up a controversy at the age of 32. Roads Depressions tend to come from professional racing.
  • Fabrice Salanson (France, 2003): Am Tomorrow before the start of the Deutschland-Tour in Dresden, stir through the 23-Jährige in Seinem Hotel and Herzversagen.
  • Wouter Weylandt (Belgium, 2011): After a tough ride during the Giro d’Italia, the 26-year-old professional front runner.
  • Felix Baur (Schweiz, 2013): The Schweizer Nachwuchshoffnung was performed in a Trainingslager in Alicante in Spain and fell in Koma. After the setback, it has been a change since 21 years in the Spital Winterthur seinen schweren Kopfverletzungen.
  • Kristof Goddaert (Belgium, 2014): There is relief with a training accident. The 27-year period will take you to the railway line during the fall and will provide you with a hinterland during the bus journey.
  • Antoine Demoitié and Daan Myngheer (Belgium, 2016): Innerhalb weniger Stunden sterben gleich zwei belgische Fahrer. The 25-year demonstration took place in Ghent – Wevelgem after a tour of a motorcycle and rolled in the night in Spital. Sir, a change of 22 years at Critérium International on Korsika is a revival.
  • Gijs Verdick (Netherlands, 2016): A week, night is a rundfahrt in Poland, two Herzattacken erlitten hat, stirbt der 21-jährige Nachwuchsfahrer in seiner Heimat im Spital.
  • Michele Scarponi (Italian, 2017): The Sieger of the Giro d’Italia 2011 collidiert im Training in seiner Geburtsstadt Filottrano head-on with a Kleintransporter. The 37 years are on the stelle until.
  • Michael Goolaerts (Belgium, 2018): The 23-year-old Belgier goes to the Paris-Roubaix class 148 km before the Ziele a recovery and staggered in the Tag danach im Spital.
  • Bjorg Lambrecht (Belgium, 2019): On the 3rd stage of the Polish Run, the 22-year-old Belgian Bjorg Lambrecht was given a Betonpfeiler on the road. Kurz darauf verstirbt is in Spital an inner Blutungen and by a herzstillstand.
  • Davide Rebellin (Italian, 2022): We spent a few weeks after a long period of time in our lifetime during the 51 years of our Italian journey during our long stay in our home. Rebellin, from the 61st profession that started a war in 2008, did not intervene in Unfallort.
  • Gino Mäder (Schweiz, June 2023): The Swiss race in the 5. Stage of the Tour de Suisse in the Abfahrt vom Albulapass at high speed. Make it easier for you to perform CPR. A Tag after the Unfall stirbt der 26-Jährige in Spital von Chur.
  • 17 year old Italian (July 2023): A more italienisch part of the Junioren-Rundfahrt in Oberösterreich is one of the most important verletzungen, which looks like a Sturz in a Abfahrt of the first Etappe-zuzoet-hatte.
  • André Drege (Norway, July 2024): The 25-year-old professionals from Norway are looking forward to the King’s Day tour of the Austrian Run through the Abfahrt vom Großglockner nach Heiligenblut schwer und erliegt seinen Verletzungen.
  • Muriel Furrer (Schweiz, September 2024): Before the age of 18, the WM road races of the juniors ended after a Sturz at a Waldstück on Lake Zürich.

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