
Aus Psychiatrie Geflohener nach Deutschland überstellt

Aus Psychiatrie Geflohener nach Deutschland überstellt

One month after the treatment of four patients with the most regulation in the Bezirklinikum Straubing, a newer man is in Germany. On January 28, on September 4, a war is celebrated in Österreich, which is brought into a Bavarian Justizvollzugsanstalt, which the police mitteilte.

Four patients of the most important regulations started treating the disease on August 17, with stumpfen and spitzen gegenstanden and dadurch the Öffnung der Pforte erzwungen haben. Staatsanwaltschaft und Kripo take care of the human roads Suspected on Geiselnahme and gefährliche Körperverletzung.

Two flights in Graz, two in the Turkei

The day after the flight was completed after 28 years in the summer of Graz. On August 30th, two of the refugees will be executed in the Turkish Republic: in a migration center in the city of Edirne in the Bulgarian-Greek-Türkischen Dreiländereck. Am 4. September follows the Feast of the Fours, nun überstellten Mannes, ebenfalls nahe Graz.

One of the two in the Turkish government, a 31-year-old man, was taken to the police on the Luftweg to Deutschland and taken to a Bayerische Justizvollzugsanstalt. Keine Informationen gab es bisher darüber, since 27 years, the sisters with the man in Edirne befasst bewar, inzwischen auch wieder nach Bayern brought were.

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