
Brand new SAP Garden is sold “strong Heimat”.

Brand new SAP Garden is sold “strong Heimat”.

End of the story: Der SAP Garden is now the new Home of EHC Red Bull Munich in the German Eishockey Liga. “That was the first big bang, wow, it was a blast,” said the enthusiastic Konrad Abeltshauser after the celebration of the 10,796 visitors to the new Multifunction Arena in Munich. “That is a wonderful moment.”

Abeltshauser said in 2016 for the Munich native that he knew the phase of the stadium project: from “Irgendwann kommt een Stadion” to “Wir haben wirklich konkrete Pläne” and “Wir fangen an” to “Jetzt ist es fertig”.

The new Halle is a sport that has become a Schub

If the quadruple construction of the SAP Garden in Olympia-Park is more, the warmth of the FC Bayern basketball player is still fruitful. The Arena contains both sporting arts and a Schub-verleihen for the entire game. “Wir müssen die Möglichkeit ausnutzen, that’s what children begeistern,” said EHC-Coach Toni Söderholm after the 0:5 (0:2, 0:2, 0:1) with a fantastic opening against the Buffalo Sabers with Nationalspieler JJ Peterka out of the North American NHL profile.

For Peterka’s war there is a Heimspiel, a story about the Nationalspieler in Munich and a story for the EHC. The Abends’ lock was made with a hit itself. “I don’t think it is possible to do anything about it,” said Peterka, who would die with his American colleges one that Samstag.

Der EHC will die in the new Arena during the Wohnzimmer machine. “It is still a matter of time,” said Söderholm. Man thinks that he is “in a mode” reinkommen, “in dem der Alltag läuft.” The name of Münchner – and gold plated for the FC Bayern basketball player – means here “a strong home.” (dpa)