
Sterbehilfe-Debatte in der Schweiz: Das Dilemma der Politik

Sterbehilfe-Debatte in der Schweiz: Das Dilemma der Politik

Switzerland has one of the freest rules of starbehilfe. Politics has brought attention to the issue – even though the inner parts of the parties have become scratchy.

If you get out of one of the organized reorganizations, it is the deathbed in Switzerland's liberal arrangement.

If you get out of one of the organized reorganizations, it is the deathbed in Switzerland’s liberal arrangement.

Gaetan Bally / Keystone

On January 15, 2025, her fun year became a major theme in Switzerland. In that mild January of 1975, the police of Triemli-Chefarzt prof. Urs Peter Haemmerli about his residence and lies in the first time he später wieder gehen. Der Haftgrund: Suspected on vorsätzliche Tötung; Anzeigeerstatterin: seine politique Vorgesetzte, die Stadträtin Regula Pestalozzi.

The background: It is possible that your chef is treading a woolly path and uses a so-called Pflegeplätzen platform for more information about your entire Abteilung. If the drama of the situation is not discussed, politics is pursued to strengthen the interests of today’s Todkranken: “It becomes a matter of no more washing.” Please note that you will think longer, an example of your experience.

The «Fall Haemmerli» has a great Echo. Germans from Reporters traveled to Zurich. Haemmerli says there are things that happen to most people over time. Friends of the Rotary Club ensure that the Farner’s agent takes the trouble to make Haemmerli van Wort comb. Unvergessen blieb sein Satz: “I have never had any disagreement with my patients, I have never grumbled with my father or my mother.” The chairman of the best Zürcher department, Haemmerlis «Null-Kalorien-Ernährung» never came out of the closet and has also become different.

The Politik is not listed

Since the city is located near the Kantons and Stadt streets, the war started with the first signal, that the Mehrheit des Volkes in Saxony Sterbehilfe grundlegend is different, thought Freiheitlicher as the Mehrheit der Geweihträger aus Politik, Medizin and Kirchen. That weil is in the Zeitungen Berichte from England and the Netherlands about Best efforts for liberal Sterbehilfe.

After all, it was a long time ago, without a doubt about Fall Haemmerli, with the gift of reading Rolf Wyler in Zurich, with a single post read with it, practically in the 5300 great articles for a people’s initiative combined. This was required by the Canton of Zurich, a Standesinitiative for the Milderung des StGB-Articles 114 einzureichen. All parties, with the consent of EPP and PdA, did not even carry out a parole operation on the initiative.

Zur allgemeinen Verblüffung wurde das Volksbegehren on 25. September 1977 mit 58,3 Prozent Ja-Stimmen angenommen. The Zustimmung war gleichmässig, through Stadt and Land. Direct democracy signals that the problem will develop.

For years, the pensioner Lehrerin Hedwig Zürcher from Oberägeri-Ähnliches wie Wyler has played: This is the Zeitung of the English «Right to die society» and acts, best during the experiences, in his own interests. She wrote parliamentarians and other one-influx regions Leute and wurde auf Rolf Wyler aufmerksam. Dessen Mutter hates a friend, the customer who can prepare the war against Walter Baechi.

The long-time Anwalt von Gottlieb Duttweiler focuses intensely on his theme. Baechi and Zürcher are located in Chiffre-Inserate erscheinen, in the plan of the Gründung a Vereins for self-bestimmtes Sterben skizziert wurde. On April 3, 1982 we were in the Restaurant Du Pont at Zürcher Bahnhofplatz 69 Personen als Gründungsmitglieder ein. The name of the Vereins could not be clearer: «Exit».

«Sterbehilfe ist wie Geburtshilfe!»

End the war in the Start-Soul story and the war in German Switzerland organized by campferic and evangelical Pfarrer Rolf Sigg. The Schweizer Fernsehen went with a think-würdigen «Club»-Diskussionssendung in March 1989 sister Schub. Damal’s prägte Hedwig Zürcher das alles zitierte Motto: «Am the joy of life is the joy of life. How come we will not be able to give you a sterling life?»

After you have taken the exit to 37 000, you can follow the backward direction of the own Wachstum. In 1997, the journalist Peter Holenstein began to reach as a professional trader, after having abstained from Druck von Sigg for a year. After a general fuss about the Anwalt Ludwig A. Minelli with Holenstein and the canton councilor Manfred Kuhn of the Organization Dignitas. You can track the exit and exit value at respective distance.

In the first years of the war Walter Baechi der Präsident und Vordenker – bis zu seinem personal Exit (1989). Not that the free trade war’s first priority is patient replacement, robbery, the duration of legal protection in healthcare. Mithilfe brought a Gutachtens from Prof. Max Keller der noch van autoritären Persönlichkeiten dominierten Ärzteszene bei, dass der Patient nicht Befehlsempfänger ist, under the Chef des Verfahrens. Baechi believes that the researcher of patient data connects patient care.

Walter Baechi (um 1961), Mitgründer der Sterbehilfeorganization Exit.

Walter Baechi (um 1961), Mitgründer der Sterbehilfeorganization Exit.

Wikipedia / CC BY-SA 4.0

Lustlose Politiker, flue Debates

If you step out in a disgusting, reinforced reorganization, the deathbed is in Switzerland with a minimum of regulation and liberal arrangement. Nor ever be militantly able to sich kirchliche (for all catholic and freikirchliche) Kreise. In der Ärzteschaft dürfte die Akzeptanz deutlich über 50 Prozent lie.

The right is that the Federal Court has become more familiar: You can tell people who have the right that they will suffer and that they can help with welding. Heime und Anstalten, die von der öffentlichen Hand unterstützt (that’s practically all!), können de Freitodbegleiter nicht more ohne weiteres ausschliessen.

Politics has taken a strong stance on the theme, we will all take the time and in all fragments that make the most scratches in other ways.

The Schweiz has one of the free and enjoyable rules of people who use the right materials. The Bundesräte Christoph Blocher and Simonetta Sommaruga are responsible for the safety, the files have been processed and the organizations have been withdrawn.

The pressure of unten hat wirkt

Some difficult issue and the abysmal level of debate in the national debate on the theme of the winter session of 2001 were statt. Politics has given power to the liberal Felix Gutzwiller and the left-socialist Franco Cavalli, who has received its greatest impetus. If one of the large groups of cantonal vaccinations (beispielsweise de Zulassung zu Heimen) meist with drieviertelmehrheiten while we are wieder, then the best best liberal Ordnung dem Volkswillen-entspricht.

Show the Rufe after more Regulation: The Suizidkapsel «Sarco».

Show the Rufe after more Regulation: The Suizidkapsel «Sarco».

Ennio Leanza / Keystone

Before this background is described, the self-service machine «Sarco» is not prepared and flooded. The Bundesrätliche «Machtwort» is a gem of information from expert lawyers who have no money to spare. There are rules for more regulation left and right. Whoever says the Belege, is the Mehrheit des Volkes for once with Christoph Blocher a mind, one of the things that says: «Wo nichts kaputt ist, muss man nichts flicken!’

Leaving these years the Schwelle von 180.000 Mitgliedern erreichen.

The publisher Karl Luönd who does not follow up the Haemmerli affair from 1975 as Reporter from the next one. Zum 40. Year of the organization Exit is the book «Self-pollination to Zuletzt. Sterbehilfe in der Schweiz» (Verlag NZZ Libro) versasst.