
Was The Line with a small village in Poland a gemeinsam hat

Was The Line with a small village in Poland a gemeinsam hat

Saudi Arabia is working on several mega projects, while others are running wild 170 kilometers long Bandstadtdie schnurgerade durch die Wüste zeeht. Ob dieses größenwahnsinnig anmutende Vorhaben jemals in de Realität umgesetzt were kannwas seen first. Aktuell wird jedenfalls am Fundament der Sci-Fi town acceleration.

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Inspiration for finding ideas for “The line“Konnten sich die Projektverantwortlichen in Poland have been holt. This is namely an Ortchen, in all Häuser on a single Road and long warming up since.

With a long von 9 kilometers Suloszowa is of course now a brute of the Saudi Arabian Bandstadt, the Prinzip is more than ähnlich. The South Polnian Village hat aber nur knapp 6,000 living quarters“The Line” will only accommodate 9 Millions of People. Unlike in Suloszowa the Einwohner der Wüstenstadt maximizes its car expansion and the public infrastructure 5 minutes to Fuß erreichen.

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Anyone who sees the solar system will be signposted

Wen man sich das Sonnensystem and die Umlaufbahnen der Planeten Vorsellt, thinks that humans make a two-dimensional approach possible. The planets are all so small that they are not on a scheibe, son of one spiral fort movement. A glimpse in the next video shows you the path of the final trucks from Sonnensystems.

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Aluminum factory in Flammen

Dieses Video verdeutlicht, wie gefährlich das Arbeiten in een Fabrik sein kann. 10 Sections night tie Feuer If you hatch it, it would be wise to take other measures. Weitere 10 Sekunden später sogen die Flammen dafür, dass the combined Decke einstürzt.

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Wie man een Feuer in der Küche löscht

We are happy with our Bränden since… A man cannot often be happy with his mind, the man is an enemy in the kitchen not with Wasser apart from the sun. Brent badger Ol in a person and a man who gives water, entsteht eine riesige Stichflammewho is in this video final results.

The burning water has a temperature of namlich more hundreds of degrees Celsius. Kommt das Wasser damit in Verbindung, evaporated is schlagartig and think it is 8 fold.

It may be that it has spritzed and is in finest Tropfchen sixstäubt. Make sure you see the sisterhood Sauerstoff the evaporation of water, the flame play can take even longer.

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Brenneres Öl and Wasser in Super-Zeitlupe

If you freeze one of the burning Fires, it may move on to the “Slow Mo Guys”. You have an oil fire with wash water and the resulting explosion with a speziellen Zeitlupenkamera acquired.

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