
Israel bombs Hisbollah-Hauptquartier – DW – 28.09.2024

Israel bombs Hisbollah-Hauptquartier – DW – 28.09.2024

The Israeli Luftwaffe has its own assets in Hisbollah’s Hauptquartier in Lebanon. These are a residential house located in the south of the capital Beirut, with military features. In the event of bombings in other countries, the commanders of a Hisbollah-Raketeneinheit and a higher level of measures can be taken. It is unclear whether the Führer der Schiitenmiliz, Hassan Nasrallah, has been affected.

The Lebanese Health Ministry reports the mental affairs Tote and more as 90 Verletzte all in Beirut. Because he left the Hisbollah, there are many states that have established a terrorist organization, which abated the rockets in Israel. Before the UN General Assembly had Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his time off, the country said justice put an end to the situation.

Papst prangert in Belgien Kindesmissbrauch durch die Kirche an

Papst Franziskus hat Fälle sexualisierter Gewalt in der katholischen Kirche in Belgien scharf verurteilt. Abweichend vom vorbereiteten Redemanuskript sagte der Papst im Königsschloss in Laeken near Brüssel: “The Missbrauch of Lessjährigen is a shame. This shame must be recognized and destroyed.” The Church must have everything in its power, but that is not the case.

Franziskus holds seine Ansprache voor führenden Repräsentanten von Staat, Kirche und Zivilgesellschaft. Belgian King Philippe and Prime Minister Alexander De Croo advocated the end of justice for sacrifices.

Belgium | Papst Franziskus zu Besuch in Belgium
“The shame we feel we have to recognize”: Papst Franziskus in BrusselsImage: ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP

VN: More than 3600 Tote durch Bandengewalt in Haiti

In those years when the ongoing criminal crime is kept in mind in Haiti, 3,661 people are murdered. Die Zahl nannte der UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, in Geneva. Rund 200 kriminelle Bands terrorize the government of the Caribbean state, of the greater armut, wirtschaftlicher Not and politicer Instabilität geprägt ist. Bonds can undergo a sexual sexual development, a punishment, the fear of propagation and the negotiation of the underyard, which is in a message from the UN office.

Before a woman in Haiti under the leadership of Kenya, a multinational company in her Arbeit auf. You have a mandate from the nations and the police to protect their bonds.

Schweres Datenleck bij englischer Polizei

Hacker has adopted names and services that quickly contact cutting-edge politicians. Justice Minister David van Weel called on Parliament, the organization was affected. In wieweit, Ermittler heredurch in Gefahr sind, ließ der Minister mit Verweis auf Securitygreen offen.

After the police created an Internet criminal, it was possible to start. It was not understood who the Vorfall could be. In the Netherlands there are more than 64,000 Vollzeitstellen for Polizisten and other Beschäftigte in die Bereich.

Meta soll 91 Millionen Euro Strafe zahlen

The US-Konzern Meta soll eine more Millionenstrafe roads Verstößen gegen EU-Datenschutzgesetze zahlen. The equivalent Irish Datenschutzbehörde for Meta included a Bußgeld in the amount of 91 Million Euro. If you go the other way, the Passwörter von Nutzern is no longer geschützt and no longer any effort to get a response to your problem.

Meta, the Mutterhaus der Dienste Facebook, Instagram und Whatsapp, hatte 2019 reported, that’s more if 30 Millionen Nutzerpasswörter “versehentlich” unverschlüsselt geeicherert are seen. The US government has taken into account the penalties imposed by the EU Data Protection Regulation.

Maggie Smith | British Schauspielerin
Markenzeichen vader ihrer Figuren war ein fine-spitzer Humor: Film- und Theaterschauspielerin Maggie Smith (here a Aufnahme aus dem Jahr 2015)Photo: Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP Photo/photo alliance

Film and theater show in Maggie Smith is up to

The British theater artist Maggie Smith died in London in the 89th century. Smith war against one of the best Darstellerinnen in the Landes. Otherwise he appears on TV and in front of the room, including as Lehrerin Minerva McGonagall in the “Harry Potter” film and as Gräfin Violet Crawley in the commercial series “Downton Abbey”. Markenzeichen valer ihrer Figuren war een feinsinnig-spitzer Humor.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer wrote on platform X, his work was not appreciated by generations. Smith won an Oscar for his roles in “The Best Years of Miss Jean Brodie” and “Das verrückte California-Hotel”.

jy/se/wa (dpa, afp, rtr, epd, munzinger)

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