
SAP Garden in Munich opening net: EHC takes on Buffalo Sabres

With the game of EHC Red Bull and the NHL Team Buffalo Sabers play the SAP Garden in Munich. The work is being carried out.

The new Zeitrechnung for the Zwei Sport-Mannschaften der Bavarian Landeshauptstadt has started in Munich: With a game between four German Eishockey-Meister EHC Red Bull and the NHL Team of Buffalo Sabers has started at the new SAP Garden on the edge of the Olympiaparks opening net.

During the 150 million years in the Red Bull financing arena, the roads of Corona were only made fruitful after a year by the best basketball player of FC Bayern Munich.

There is sportsmanship that is free from gelungener sein können. The gastgeber under 10,796 Zuschauern der Mannschaft with the ehemaligen Münchner JJ Peterka 0:5 (0:2, 0:2, 0:1). National player Peterka, Schütze des funtresses der Sabers (45.), wurde bei der Vorstellung mit Sprechchören gefeiert.

There was much applause for Armand Duplantis, two-time Olympian and Weltrekcordhalter in the Stabhochsprung, Puck for the opening bully-überbrachte, and the former Münchner Meistertrainer Don Jackson.

“Man has to play a big role, he is here after four years of Bauzeit,” said Uli Hoeneß, chairman of Bayern Munich, who had a treibende Kraft of the project war with the stunned Red Bull patriarchs Dietrich Mateschitz.

Hoeneß vom SAP Garden “geplättet”

My interview with “MagentaSport” said that it was the end of the new Arena: “I am the first Mal here, since the SAP Garden has been fertig, and I am totally flattened.”

Please note that the sender is looking at other activities of the sender. “The whole day was a great day. One day, a long time to live in it. It was a wonderful day. Two great people, great characters. It was a great experience,” said Munich coach Toni Söderholm.

“The first game in the new Arena is more and more important, it is the top of the world to play. (…) We can have a great time in Germany, so we will have an Arena here and be happy, these Auswärtsmannschaften Were friends here, they played here, we were very happy with it, it was beautiful” Yasin Ehliz

Peterka: “Es hat everything is extremely successful”

JJ Peterka was at the end of his life in his own home: “It’s all over the place. We are ready to start so long after the event is hinged. The day was truly unbeschreiblich. It was unbelievably fun, but here we are, with the fans.” , the time when the Zeit was strongly supported was not so great.’

Next: I come across the best performance of the FC Bayern basketball player in his first Heimspiel in the then 11,500 points in the hall against Real Madrid. Bayern played for 15 years and was played in Australia for 20 years, just like the EuroLeague.

Munich’s Oberbürgermeister Dieter Reiter spoke about a “Superlative Construction” – ​​there are four Eishockey Arenas in Germany with great Fassungsvermögen: in Cologne, Berlin, Mannheim and Düsseldorf. We will have a great time playing in the new Münchner Arena during the Handball WM 2027 Vorrundenspiele.