
VW Action Show: Volkswagen shocks with new Gewinnwarnung

VW Action Show: Volkswagen shocks with new Gewinnwarnung

The critical Volkswagen group is coming under pressure.

Konzernchef Oliver Blume has to make a profit with his felling, while his colleagues stay for years, but not so that cars are sold with great difficulty. For all people who have a strong tension about the core of the VW package, it is worth it if there is a problem, about the light utility vehicle from VWN and the own Zuliefersparte-schwächeln. The large amount of tax charged on sales, and the financial service leistungsparte of the konzerns earns more. The Volkswagen Action lost its focus.

The Volkswagen Vorzugspaper is recorded on the DAX on the basis of the Freitag auf der Handelsplattform Tradegate gegenüber dem XETRA-Schluss 2.9 Prozent. The VW is under pressure, which was followed by the honors of the past weeks – market experts are happy with the results. If the Dachholding Porsche SE of the own family Porsche and Piech, who is at VW with Sagen hat, must be winnernartungen herunterschrauben. The Stuttgarter hangs with great weight on the Results of the Wolfsburger.

Statt eines de Auslieferungen um bis zu 3 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahreswert von 9.2 Millionen Fahrzeugen rechnet Volkswagen nun nor with 9 Millionen Verkäufen, who das Unternehmen am Freitag nach Börsenschluss mitteilte. There is an estimated value of 5 percent of the revenues of 322 million euros that have fallen – now it will only cost 320 million euros.

The profitability of Blume schwächer: Ergebnis employee has reached 18 million euros and an employee Ergebnis margin of a beef 5.6 Prozent vom Umsatz. Zuletzt war das Unternehmen von 6.5 tot 7.0 Prozent Umsatzrendite ausgedingen. During the month of July, the VW roads were tested and the costs for the chicken-stehende Audi-Werk in Brussels received the Ergebnisprognose. Zuletzt hatten auch Mercedes-Benz, BMW and the VW-Sportwagentochter Porsche in his erwartungen and the Geschäftsjahr endlampfen müssen. The Zulieferern is often not worse.

The industry’s problem is much bigger: the carmaker has fallen on the Swiss market to the Chinese Wachstumsmarkt. VW Pkw lost on the most important car market of the world history. After the years of the Market Führerschaft, weil Chinese Elektroautobauer who of the new Platzhirsch BYD in Deutschen with favorable Elektroautos de Kampf angesagt. Mercedes, BMW and the sports car manufacturer Porsche are leading the living Chinese times with the real estate crisis in the country of camping holidays and are going to earn their money eights. In Europe, the era of electronics with electric cars has disappeared, while the car manufacturer has invested many millions.

VW starts by predicting the expected results for the Kernmarke VW Pkw, for the VWN light utility vehicles and for the components. At the core market, the world of the Sparkurs will be enormous in size and will undertake the best specifications spending, investments and work discussions in the debate in the coming years. The Economic Sumfeld is a succession of the Financial Service Leistungsparte taxed ebenfalls, this is from VW.

At the Dachholding Porsche SE, the third generation has been sold in Wolfsburg, the Stuttgarter for the laufing year jetzt is now neither 2.4 to 4.4 Billion Euro Gain after Steuern erwartet. Bisher stands at between 3.5 and 5.5 billion euros in the plan.


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