
A Toter and more Verletzte during the Rallye-Unfall in Lithuania

A Toter and more Verletzte during the Rallye-Unfall in Lithuania

An accident has happened to a car company in Lithuania, where a person is released and treated by the police 14 weeks later.

It is a fact that a car company in Lithuania is a Freitagabend, gets a human and can become 14 weeks later. It’s about the Polizei. Nach Angaben von Augenzeugen kam a Fahrer at a Rallye in Utena in a scharfen Kurve von der Strecke und fuhr in a Zuschauergruppe.

Lithuanian Media reports will be sollen for Heuballen, while the direction of the Abbiegung is marked war, while others Fahrzeugen are being recruited. The Behörden can last only a few seconds. There is a motor sports club that organizes racing during the abgebbrochen.

