
Cheyenne Ochsenknecht: “I am more than happy”

Cheyenne Ochsenknecht: “I am more than happy”

At 24, Cheyenne Ochsenknecht is zweifache Mama, Ehefrau, Landwirtin. erzählt sie ehrlich, because sie Abstriche machen muss.

Latest news: Am 30. September gets the credible Sky-Original-Serie “Unser Hof” in the second round. With – obviously – Cheyenne Ochsenknecht (24), Ehemann Nino Sifkovits (28), the community Kinder Mavie (3) and Matteo (1). And jede Menge Tiere.

“Unser Hof – with Cheyenne and Nino”, Staffel 2 has conducted a few interviews with you. Totally authentic and honest about the experience of living in Styria – and wanting to come to terms with the borders.

“Wir haben bewiesen, that’s how they will eat their food”

“Der Hof immer immer zu unserem eigenen. Mein Schwiegerpapa, Geraldi, war anfangs unseren Planen gegenüber eher skeptical. Sobald we were vorgeschlagen haben, meinte there ‘Oh no, that brauchen wir nicht'”, says Cheyenne. Other mittlerweile females have the most results in the two. “Er notes, dass das, was wir tun – vor allem, was Nino tut – Hand und Fuß hat.” It fell into the Wort of Nino. “Man must be happy, we will spend a lot of time in our lives. We will spend more time with them, we will be able to enjoy them at home.”

Cheyenne and Nino

The coolest Landwirte in Ganz Österreich?
© Stefanie Schumacher/Sky

Meistert Stadtmädchen Cheyenne alleine eine Kalbgeburt?

And Cheyenne, who as Tochter von Model Natascha Ochsenknecht (60) and Schauspieler Uwe Ochsenknecht (68), have not been with the Landwirtschaft in the hut for a long time, pack with one. Sparrow. Gleich in der ersten Folge (Achtung, Spoiler!) is alles, als een Kalb auf die Welt kommt. No irgendeines, nein, ihr erstes Wagyu-Kalb. The Japanese Rasse is very precious, gilded weltweit as Delikatesse. In others Worten: Cheyenne dared not to patzen.

Nino nüchtern: “Cheyenne hat da nichts Außergewöhnliches jeistet”

“Panik hatte ich keine, aber Respekt.” Het Geburt in Verlief nicht reibungslos, es kam zum Nabelbruch. Doch am Ende is a Happy End. For Kalb and Bäuerin. “I’m really a stolz on my path, that’s all I’ve done. A war for Nino der Beweis, that could be one thing, but then.”

But here we have a flute and compliments from our good music, which we have experienced. “Nino is no one, but with Kommplimenten we know him. But I have noticed, that is a bisschen stollz war.” Nüchtern erklärt is in “I have no problem, I have a problem, but it was a problem. Aber man muss die Kirche auch mal im Dorf lassen: So one event is in unserem Alltag nichts Besonderes. Cheyenne hat da nichts Außergewöhnliches geistetet. Ich habe den Anspruch a sie, thats sie so a situation gut meistert. Sie war yes auch schon bei 100 Geburten dabei.” Theme chopped off.

Cheyenne and Nino

I will be the heir of Cheyenne and Nino in the summer of 2022.
© Stefanie Schumacher/Sky

Cheyenne bricht ihre Ausbildung ab – “Druck war einfach enormous”

Viel herausfordernder war da Cheyennes (owner!) Wunsch, die Ausbildung zur landwirtschaftlichen Facharbeiterin zu machen. Neben Hofarbeit, Haushalt, Kinderziehung a real house number. Am Schluss must have happened. See brach ab. “The pressure was enormous, it made me very happy”, give my interview a thorough review. “I was Montag bis Freitag von 17 bis 22 Uhr in der Schule. Tagsüber hatte ich Matteo, Mavie mustste um 16 Uhr von der Tagesmutter abgeholt zijn. Then kochen, putzen, possibly lernen … that was war.”

Cheyenne Ochsenknecht

The Liebe roads hang Cheyenne in her model career in Berlin and the Nagel en zog nach Österreich aufs Land.
© Stefanie Schumacher/Sky

“Das hat mein Mamaherz auf Dauer nicht aus Contenten”

The great Knackpunkt: If you have the Gefühl, your children are free. There is a time when war is a reality in the 24th century. “I am in name, but I wish that both of them would be happy, see my mama.” They laugh and then fight with seriousness: “After my mother was born, my mother was born, and I was still in the school. That’s my mother’s day, but my mother was not happy with it…” Nino is with his full entrée. No need to warm up. One of the most frequently heard Cheyenne: “The thing that I do with the garden is wirklich delete muss, in the Ausbildung nicht genügend thematisiert.” This means “learning by doing.”

Who De Ganze Is In Reality starts on September 30 from 8.15pm on Sky One, parallel to Sky and WOW on April.

    See Passing Matteos Geburt Revue: "It's war horror"

See Matteos Geburt Revue pass: “Es war Horror”
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