
Status of Hisbollah-Chef after Israel-Attacke unclear

Status of Hisbollah-Chef after Israel-Attacke unclear

The proiranic Hisbollah soldiers do not go further than the rest of the time. The air force of the Israeli militias in the headquarters of the Shiite militia, is one of the most diverse housing units. Unbestätigten Medienberichtes are as good as possible Ziel des Angriffs gewesen sein. After the attack, the Lebanese Health Ministry was attacked by Tote and 76 Verletzte, who is the Lebanese Health Ministry.

ÖVP-Außenminister Alexander Schallenberg sees the government in Lebanon coming to an “unglaublichen Fächenbrand”. It is an illusion of glauben, “that man is in the East with their games and that under control is possible”, says Schallenberg in the Freitag after a conversation with his Iranian Amtskollegen Abbas Araghchi at the General Debate of the United Nations in New York at the APA.

I hated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before the UNO Full Community is concrete, the attack will strengthen the Hisbollah militia. “We are going to have a better understanding of Hisbollah,” said Netanyahu. The US and other states have abandoned a three-way Waffenruhe, a diplomatic release from conflicts that exist.

A Lebanese People told Netanyahu: “If we find a Krieg with the Hisbollah, the whole land will be cut down and dried, our lives.” Solange who was Hisbollah the Way of the Krieges has called “Israel no other Wahl” like Netanyahu. There is a fact that Israel “has justice, who will commit deception and our citizen will sit in his Heimat-zurückzubringen, and will do so.”

The Hisbollah-Miliz beschießt Israel since the beginning of the Gaza Wars for a year fast label. They will drive out Hamas in the Gaza Strip in the fight against Israel and create a Waffenruhe in Gaza. Israel schoss long jewelry in ähnlichem Umfang zurück. The land with its own air traffic in Lebanon is still massively strengthened. Hundreds of people were kidnapped.

The Hisbollah is one of Iran that has founded Military and a strong political Kraft in Lebanon. In Iran, Netanyahu dreams with his heart: “I will be a victim of those Tyrants in Tehran: If we are angry, we will be happy.” The international policy of fighting Iran must end.

Netanyahu thinks the country can put an end to his claims. Israel is about Frieden and continues with Frieden. “But we still have wild ideas, that we are concerned about. And we are willing to fight against this wild Mörder. We are not afraid of our own destruction. We are living together with our common sense and we are all in one opinion about the times of the Tyrants and the terrors of terror. .”

The Israeli Prime Minister will present his plans in New York. Nach Angaben seines Büros wolllte er noch Freitagabend nach Israel zurückkehren. Israeli Medien message food, the departure was at 8 p.m. Ortszeit (02 a.m. MESZ).

After the new attack on Israel with the geschäftsführende Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati, he died and “all those affected are somewhat mobilizable”. It seems that the message contains “a big Zahl von Opfern”, as there. The serious aggression is becoming more and more common, while the Israeli fight against all international attacks and quarrels is taking place on a Waffenruhe mission, Mikati continues.

The international community must have visited the economy of the United States and the “die Tyrannei und Vernichtungskrieg” of Lebanon, a final preparation, because that is the case. Mikati quit with the fall of the UNO Vollversammlung in New York.