
Nachbarn retten Kinder aus brennero Wohnung – Baden-Württemberg

Nachbarn retten Kinder aus brennero Wohnung – Baden-Württemberg

Housing brand

Two children are alone in Zuhause. Dann Brennt is plötzlich. I am happy to return home again.

The German Defense Force could release the fire quickly. (Symbol image) | Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa

The German Defense Force was able to release the fire quickly. (Symbol image) Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa

Quelle: Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa).
The BZ editorial staff made no mention of redaktionell.

Weingarten (dpa/lsw) – In Weingarten (Kreis Ravensburg) Nachbarn zwei Kinder aus a brennerden Living rettet. Those new and 13 year old children were involved in the fights at night on the Samstag alleine Zuhause, whom the police mitteilte. If the other suppliers are there and if the clothing is branded, there is nothing more a police expert can do.

After a malfunction has occurred in the burning process, the brand is a problem with a power distribution cabinet in a bathroom, this is it. Weitere Ermittlungen dazu hat nun de Polizei übernommen.

Nobody was bothered by the rapid experiences of the country. The damages are expected to amount to 100,000 Euro. The family in a hotel is not at home. Because the other paths of destruction go in the direction of the light, the police will not be clear.

© dpa‍-infocom, dpa:240928‍-930‍-246189/1

Location: Baden-Württemberg

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