
BGL Ligue Beruf and English Woche: Pit Simon is a new combination

BGL Ligue Beruf and English Woche: Pit Simon is a new combination

The American Mondorf is not near Konstanz. If it is an English language, autumn has only just begun, the defense match Pit Simon on the Tageblatt after the Arbeitstag.

If you are a total fan of English, the cuisine in the Mondorfer Innenverteidiger Pit Simon is beyond description. Such an intensive program has begun: ‘It will be over in that autumn, when the game becomes exciting. It didn’t take long for Zuschauer to get to the Stadium. If not, it will get even better…” Others assume that the man cannot play off the hand as a player: “Die Woche will be faster um, the training will be more intense.”

Including the description of the English kitchen with a so-called planungsorgfalt verbunden. For Simon, if he is connected to the unskilled sports in the program of wetbewerben, projects or training programs, the track is the best way to perform. “We’ll play at dinner first at 6 p.m., but I’ll be more relaxed during the week. If you stop talking and talking all the time, then in the end it’s a loss. If someone has a routine, it is no different, if the man no longer goes to training. Daran ist der Körper gewohnt.”

It is true that a game plays a game with a game that is so strong: ‘The man comes after the game first in the Mitternacht after the house, has never been like this. Weighing the adrenaline flowing through the air is never a great surprise before reaching the Ruhe. If you know something, you can work well. Aber irgendwann fell a quick death Augen zu“, laughed the 1.93 meter tall indoor manager. If Freitag is not training in Mondorf, I will be at the Samstag de Abschlusseinheit for the Duell gegen Fola en. “Wenn men are often heard, who sit on the couch, since English weeks are safe. If you feel a rhythm, if you get the chance, Zweiten Mannschaft becomes absolute. Gleichzeitig can be the training session, which is not played, but is not so intensive, when the game is no longer played and will not last anymore.”

If you have a Framework, if they will follow even more, my moment will no longer be like this

Pit Simon
Pit Simon Photo: Editpress/Fabrizio Pizzolante

Simon is heard by Coach David Zitelli’s Stammspielern. My punk is a USM guy who wants to eat a lot more now. “Wir stehen definitiv nicht da, wo wir es möchten”, said Simon. “Once you have an idea, when they are even more in force, the moment may be when it is no longer so.” Is this a good thing? „We are prepared to eat in a warm environment.“ The green surroundings of the Thermal City have a different attitude to the soul. “It’s a cooler, more familiar Verein. I have the Spaß-zurückgefunden here. Beim Racing loves technology, but the pressure war is another. That is not the case, if I have no ambitions here, it is a different story now.”

And the courtship, in which you can play a role. “It was a fact that a master title declared itself, but it became one of the themes of the Europapokal.” Zweimal in Folge schied Mondorf in Half-final of the Coupé de Luxembourg aus – diesmal soll der Weg weiter führen. If you catch the first season of the programme, you can read the Escher Fola from the first English week.

Simon now tells the story of the passing period: “You have won one (2:3) and who have created new courts for the class end. There are a few flat cashiers and the ent-separating administrators cashier in the last minute… Once that’s the case, then 100 percent will agree with that little punk who is being watched.” Then it’s the first English week which is most positive for Mondorf.