
Weniger Bürokratie en meer Investitionen

Weniger Bürokratie en meer Investitionen

Benedikt von Braunmühl became CEO of Rentschler Biopharma SE’s Spitze a year ago. I started with the Schwäbische Zeitung on the 56-year-old Betriebswirt, where the region of the ideal Nährboden der German Biotech-Branche is – and the major investments in the companies taking place in the USA.

For a year since the Laupheimer Traditionsunternehmen are 150. Geburtstag. In September 2023, Bendedikt von Braunmühl die Geschäftsführung von Frank Mathias, der zurück in de Aufsichtsrat wechselte. Von Braunmühl has more than 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and health industry, and has spent many years in Australia, including in Brazil, China and India. Mit seiner Frau and the Töchtern are active in Munich and under the Woche in Laupheim.

Before 50 years of knowledge of Biotechnology

Bei Rentschler has started a major offensive by the Belegschaftswahrgenommen. Biotechnology is a complex field. In an industry, which is one of the best buyers, Rentschler is geschafft, that “People are gene und mit Stolz here Arbeiten”, said von Braunmühl. If one of the first pharmaceutical companies has a good price, the interest rate could last 50 years before the pharmaceutical industry lies in biotechnology. As a recognized “Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization” (CDMO), the company produces as a biotech pharmaceutical repair company. Rentschler is part of the regional biotech clusters, a number of other Unternehmen wie Teva in Ulm, Böhringer-Ingelheim in Biberach and Vetter in Ravensburg.

Regional Biotech Cluster for the industry

The Rentschler CEO sees this Bundelung as a contribution to the industry. With themes that are Ausbildung, of the university, the global and national herausforderungen stunden die Unternehmen im Gemeinsamen Austausch, so Bendedikt von Braunmühl. Seiner Ansicht nach ist ebenfalls kein Nachteil, hen we die Mitarbeiter zwischen de Firmen wechselten. “A healthy company is not bad, the power of the community is attractive.” The regional biotech cluster could not go further than the German Großstädten in Munich, so international. “Huge investments in a Life Science Hub are being made in Barcelona,” says von Braunmühl and concrete dennoch de Stärke des Zuid-Deutsche Clusters: “22 Prozent der Biopharmaproduktion in Europa kommt in die Region. That alone is a whole Menge among the Volumina.”

Major investment company in the US

These are their own major investments that the Laupheimer companies have set up over the years of their lives in the United States. In Milford in Großraum Boston, Rentschler installed a new production line in Betrieb in July. The investment volume of US$100 million is the largest share of the firms. Damit habe das Unternehmen die global Produktionskapazitäten verdoppeln können. The investment in the American state of affairs has given Braunmühl a “strategic note value”. Man has left Boston as a base, we have started a large start-up system of biotech companies in the Umfeld of the major universities and pharmaceutical companies in the 20 years. “The way we could fall, we could quickly say it was possible,” says Braunmühl. “Here are described most of the innovations that can combine physics with science and research to get started.” This global context is a bigger story for rentschler projects.

I started with Rentschler Biopharma das 150 a year ago. Anniversary year. As one of the first world citizens, the Laupheimer Unternehmen focused on biotechnology for 50 years.

I started with Rentschler Biopharma das 150 a year ago. Anniversary year. As one of the first world citizens, the Laupheimer Unternehmen focused on biotechnology for 50 years. (Photo: Peter Oppenlaender/Rentschler Biopharma)

When I found in the Präzisionsmedizin, the Entwicklung of Medikamenten, Krebs or other seltene Krankheiten “more passive innovations in the USA”, erklärt von Braunmühl. The repair of this molecule is a complex process. “And the knowledge has the production capabilities for Ort.” Interest payments have been made every year on 25 percent of the US government-approved FDA recommendations for biopharmaceuticals.

While the new production line in the US was a strong Wachstum, Braunmühl said. This is Rentschler Biopharma with a value of 1400 Mitarbeitern auf Wachstumskurs. Geschäftszahlen nennt das Familienunternehmen tradie nicht. Now that you are there: Take care of your current situation, all things considered on a level of the Vor-Corona-Zeit, so von Braunmühl. During the production of 2.5 million doses of the corona impact substances for Biontech, the time of the first German production has passed.

Rentschler CEO criticizes the regulator

If you click on the Innovationskraft of the pharmaceutical industry in the US, in Great Britain, Deutschland will receive a critical assessment of Braunmühl. “Der Pharmastandort Deutschland war mal die, Apotheke der Welt’, was wir sehr professionell gegen die Wand gefahren haben.” The German criticism of the Rentschler CEO and the high regulatory Hürden, who founded the new Medikament company. “Both clinical studies can investigate the German time, what happened in the Covid-Krise. We have had impfstoff zugelassen for a year.” Here it is that the company’s business structure can be expanded and the world no longer has time to cut costs.

A German location has long been attractive to figures and the Innovationskraft of the pharmaceutical industry, which encourages the Rentschler-Chef to invest in young, innovative start-ups. Man will never have private investors again. “If a political company has won, it will invest 100 million in German biotech research, this is nothing like Ansatz,” von Braunmühl criticized. “If I end up in that industry, I have to stay in control of Milliarden.”

Weitere Investitionen am Standort Laupheim

Our internationalization and national reforms are set up by Rentschler Biopharma at the regional Biotech Cluster and the Standort Laupheim. Am Hauptsitz in the Erwin-Rentschler-Straße is nor quite Flächen. Companies can invest here in the coming years.