
Financial empowerment for women – Südtirol News

Financial empowerment for women – Südtirol News

From: mk

Bozen – Was it financial self-interest to continue existing? Do you want to finance yourself in the hand of your next, for the serious fall and the active money you earn? The entire pavilion of South Tyrol raiffeisen associations has been established, giving Wissen a financial self-esteem for women with a strong theme. Charged with the Volkshochschule Südtirol and the Raiffeisenverband Südtirol angesiedelte Arbeitskreis „Frauen in der Führung von Genossenschaften“. The mitreißenden are shaped by the financial expert and the authorization of Susan J. Moldenhauer.

“It is a challenge to change and be self-aware about a financial issue,” says Eröffnete Finanzwirtin, Autorin and Karrierecoach Susan J. Moldenhauer who is in charge of the pavilion of the Raiffeisenverbanden. „Under the first writing that is, that is „finanziell aufräumen“. Was I fucking wrong? You can view your own financial situation, your financial situation, your financial situation and your expectations, your budget plans and your critical views on your financial statements and reviews. First, a professional financing strategy can help an individual investment strategy.”

The strategic Rerangehen zum Thema Money war with the Grund, the Volkshochschule Südtirol (VHS) and the in the Raiffeisenverband angesiedelte Arbeitskreis “Frauen in der Führung von Genossenschaften” by the Thema finances Security and Mut zu finanziellen wie beruflichen looks longer. “I have noticed that the woman has a tendency to indulge and lose her monetary interests greatly,” said VHS director Barbara Pixner. “Aber der Blick in de Zukunft says – you will no longer see our financing in hand and a by the Wissensvermittlung gut aufstellen, so that these power wires, for später vorzusorgen. If you inquire about VHS information, you can enjoy our Veranstaltungsreihe “Frauen & Geld: Let’s talk about money” about savings, investments and insurance for years to come. We are committed to working with the labor community ‘Frauen in Führung in Genossenschaften’ bzw. with the South Tyrol Raiffeisenverband with the Vortrag by Susan J. Moldenhauer, there are so many women who say that they are active and successful with the Theme Financial Empowerment.”

In de Kerbe von Selbstwert und beruflichen Ziele schlug die Vorsitzende des Arbeitskreises ‘Frauen in der Führung von Genossenschaften’ Ursula Thaler: ‘The Self-management, sich in Gremienarbeit einzubringen, hangs grimly with its own Einstellung zu den eigenen Fähigkeiten und beruflichen Zie len sister men. The first time we go into the financing agreement of the Raiffeisen-Genossenschaften, the fact that the years continue continuously, while the interest aroused by Frauen and Führungspositions is increased. If you appeal to the positive question and self-determination, certain themes will be proposed, a woman has changed. There is no question of a management for the purchase of the VHS in the Australian economy with financial expert Susan J. Moldenhauer. With in-depth knowledge, self-determination in financial interests and involvement in public health. We can help and help women on the road.” Moderiert wurde der Abend von VHS chairman Angelika Mayr Fischnaller.

The former war against Susan J. Moldenhauer, Finanzwirtin, Autorin, Karrierecoach und Strategiepiratin, zurückblickt 23 years in the financial sector. In Bozen it is thematically the bridge of the direction of the direction in the money and the financing of the healthy Selbstwert die his geschickte Verkaufen der eigenen Leistungen in Job. It is good that you have received 170 other women, if you use your own “Geldgeschichte”. „Which prägende Ersterfahrung hatten Sie with Geld? Who was involved in my family with money? Solche Überlegungen ermöglichen Rückschlüsse auf Ihren Umgang with Geld and Ihre Glaubenssätze, and dort gilded is anzusetzen.”

A workshop with the authorization of the books “Kenne Deinen Wert” takes place during the festive Samstag of the Wochenende with Susan J. Moldenhauer ab.