
Light, stable and critical |

Light, stable and critical |

The Lightmetal Titan is in the EU with the “critical” Roh substances. A vermehrte recovery in Europe ensures a recycling of recycling in a Kreislaufwirtschaft is everything else as trivial.

Most of life, it does not look like material with material is used in akredietwirtschaft: the energy-intensive energy-intensive energy-intensive energy-intensive energy-intensive energy-intensive use of substances that are imported can are used and the Abhängigkeit of Lovers is reduced. Those gold-plated subsonders voor jenen 34 Rohstoffe, the EU as “critical” eingestuft hat. By 2030, products from our own country and 25 products from recycling trunks and 40 products will have been produced in Europe. These quotations were processed by us. Das Leichtmetall Titan z. B. was 100 percent imported (from China, Russia, the USA, Japan and Kasakhstan), and 19 percent was recycled.

Titan is very interesting for many technical problems: it is relatively light and mechanically stable, ductile (deformable), corrosion and temperature resistant. In Formulier van Legierungen, light metal in the air and space, in turbines and propellers, in the steel industry and as a medical implant cannot be taken away. (Overview of Titanium dioxide – which is not a critical source of material – used as white pigment in packaging, plastics and paper, in cosmetics and packaging; as a chemical substance E171 has been prohibited in the EU for years.)

Woran lies now, that’s why so little Titan metal in Europe has been restored bzw. recycle wire? The element is not native enough – it is the new element at the core. By restoring the metals with extreme mineral energy, special know-how and experience, prosperity is now increasing a little.

The new recycling rate has improved as Brian Baldassarre, Researcher at the EU Joint Research Centre, has carried out a detailed analysis of the airflow and processing areas – covering 70 percent of European Titanium metal beds. (Ecological Economics 227, 108345). The barriers are extremely important: So there are still a lot of security related to the security and safety regulations of the air transport and security areas. The quality of production of goods in the countries of the Global South became more and more sustainable, meaning that the material in the EU could never become a recycling business again. If you are sure that in Europe it is not possible (at the cost) to participate in the mounting of the Flugzeugen card. The best man in air treatment is strict safety control with the recycling material of recycling material. One of the recycling technologies used itself is no more air.

We are happy to hear that your play is Titan after all, so that you will be able to enjoy your business in the future, with great writing in the Richtung Kreislaufwirtschaft.

The author has the press responsibility of the “Presse” and is now Wissenschaftskommunikator at AIT.

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