
Schulmensa started on Montag, September 30

Schulmensa started on Montag, September 30

Am Montag, on September 30, the Schulmensa Service began in the Hauptstadt; A service that no longer exists since 1300 small notes was an example of the registration of the passing years that had produced one of the first results. Dies teilt der Stadtrat Marcello Palladino, Delegierter für Schulpolitik, with en erklärt: “Obwohl die First voor de Anmeldung zum Mensadienst abgelaufen ist, es in de kommenden Tagen noch möglich sein, sich anzumelden, wobei jedoch zu strandten ist, that is Essensausgabe vor If 48 pieces are out of warranty, the display of the plastic-free version can use the beautiful parts in the used kits, which can protect the shoes, showing an item with a cutlery and a better price. Trinkwasser is used by a filter system, it is a great solution for your machine. The environmental bildung with the sale of speisen and getränken was for the new generation of grundlegender beds, which was small in the reinforced müssen, which is already the case, the waste production is reduced and the recycling of the soil. It is possible that the beautiful education that has emerged in advertising is new to debt, is a culture of protection that provides the foundation and protection, which is protected by debt and soil erosion.

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