
Ukraine-Krieg in Live Ticker: +++ 03:29 Lithuania brings Hilfspaket für Kiew on the road +++

Ukraine-Krieg in Live Ticker: +++ 03:29 Lithuania brings Hilfspaket für Kiew on the road +++

Ukraine-Krieg im Liveticker
+++ 03:29 Lithuania brings Hilfspaket for Kiew on the road +++

Lithuania arranges a military weapon with ammunition, computers and logistics in Ukraine. The Hilfen würden nor die Woche dort eintreffen, teilt de litauische Regierung mit. Laut Vilnius hat Litauen seit Anfang dieses Jahres bereits 155-mm-munition, armored vehicles vom Typ M577 and M113, Anti-Drohnen-Systeme, Panzerabwehrwaffen, Fernzündungssysteme and other Ausrüstung-geliefert.

+++ 02:29 Drei Tote nach Angriffen in Charkiw region +++
In the Russian Air Force at Dorf Slatyne in the Charkiw region, it is possible that people are increasingly receiving messages about regional messages. The evil soul of the zivile infrastructure and the traffic of a Bildungsinrichtung en Geschäfte, where people went on the streets, said the governor of the Charkiw Oblast, Oleh Syniehubow.

+++ 01:29 North Korea plays US military action “Spiel mit dem Feuer” +++
In North Korea, the illegal Waffen-lovers and Russia-vorgewerfen, the US military in the world of eight million dollars for the Ukraine, became an “inexplicable Fehler” and a game with the war of the Atom superpower in Russia. US President Joe Biden has invited the new Hilfe to the plans of Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky in Washington. If you choose the self-study of another country and one of the other Waffen with a greater Reichsweit, which makes the prosperity of the Landes so high, Russia has achieved its best results.

+++ 00:25 Angriff auf Sumy: Opferzahl rises auf zehn +++
After a Russian rage at a Krankenhaus in the Ukrainian Grenzstadt, the Zahl der Todesopfer auf zehn has risen. If there is a fear in clinical practice, a person will be guided by the Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Klymenko. The evacuation of patients means that the hospital will then be bombarded. Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky has left Russia to create a “Krieg against Krankenhäuser”.

+++ 22:54 Selenskyj-Team: USA said major interest in Ukrainian “Siegesplan” +++
Serhij Nykyforow, who spoke to the Ukrainian president, said that the US Government had “great interest” in President Wolodymyr Selenskyj’s “siege plan”. Through the broader message of Kykyforow entsprechenden media reports, which report a skeptical Haltung Washingtons. “Das ist nicht wahr,” said Nykyforow in the Ukrainian TV show. The plan can be constructed constructively. It was said that US President Joe Biden completed the meeting of the Ramstein-Kontaktgruppe in Germany on October 12 with “einigen Entscheidungen and Antworten” of the plan.

+++ 22:25 Selenskyj: Trump supports Ukraine page +++
After Ukrainian President Selensky landed on Ukraine’s page with Donald Trump, he would have won in November. Selensky said that the meeting had happened with the American Republican channel Fox News. “I was not, after all, we were present and were President,” said Selenskyj. “If Donald Trump requested his direct information, he ended up in the world, while Ukraine no longer exists.”

+++ 21:40 Lawrow: West alone with one atomic force “to conquer the war” +++
In the lifeboat Speech for the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lawrow warned the West that “with an atomic force, Russia will be defeated.” Die Versuche, Russland zu besiegen, bezeichnet is als “selbstmörderisches Abenteuer”. Kremlin chief Wladimir Putin hated the first time Tagen was defeated with the Einsatz von Atomwaffen. Demnach became the conventional enemy of Russia, who maintained an atomic power, as well as Angriff those other states, i.e. Putin.

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