
Was this the “ET” Stars?

Was this the “ET” Stars?

One of the most beautiful examples of film history: Als "AND" in the Heimat zurück, Drew Barrymore will hit a Schmatzer on the Aliennase - and jedem, the little Herz with a Stein hat, will be brave on the Tränendrüse. In December 1982, the film classic started in German Kinos, with our own eyes, from the Kinder and ET-Darstellern world ...

Nach Huis!

One of the greatest works of film history: If “ET” wants to go home, Drew Barrymore drückt with a Schmatzer on the Aliennase – and jedem, the little Herz from the Stein hat, kräftig from the Tränendrüse. In December 1982, the film classic started in German Kinos, with our own eyes, from the Kinder and ET-Darstellern world …
© Universal

There can't be much chance of the high quality of aliens: Greg (KC Martel) is one of main character Elliott's best friends.

KC Martel

There can’t be much chance of the high quality of aliens: Greg (KC Martel) is one of main character Elliott’s best friends.
© Universal images

Seine Rolle-in "AND" war nicht seine erste: KC Martel acted in a horror film a few years ago "Amityville horror" (1979) and its own series of stories. Später hatte is een wiederkehrende Rolle in "Unser praises Heim"Then you should look into the Schauspielgeschäft zurück. It takes 57 years to finance the private seining company.

KC Martel

Seine Rolle in “ET” war nicht seine erste: KC Martel spent three years in the horror film “Amityville Horror” (1979) and his own series. Später hatte is een wiederkehrende Rolle in “Unser lautes Heim”, sog sich danach aber aus dem Schauspielgeschäft zurück. It takes 57 years to finance the private seining company.
© Presley Ann/Getty Images for TCM

Here is the (erweiterten) Freundeskreis of the main character: Tyler (C. Thomas Howell, left) is dabei, as Elliott (Henry Thomas, Mitte) founded, a Freund ET on a BMX-Rad to put forward and let his Raumschiff see these instructions due to security forces for protection.

Tyler (C. Thomas Howell)

Here is the (erweiterten) Freundeskreis of the main character: Tyler (C. Thomas Howell, left) is dabei, as Elliott (Henry Thomas, Mitte) founded, a Freund ET on a BMX-Rad to put forward and let his Raumschiff see these instructions due to security forces for protection.
© Universal images

For C. Thomas Howell bedeutete "AND" den Start een schauspielkarriere: In Francis Ford Coppolas "Die outsider" (1983) is one of the next episodes of Jungdarsteller with Tom Cruise, Rob Lowe and Matt Dillon, but he can be seen in smaller film roles and as a series narrator ("The blacklist", "Bosch", "The terror") fragmented.

C. Thomas Howell

For C. Thomas Howell, “ET” began with a film career: In Francis Ford Coppola’s “Die Outsider” (1983) is a sequel to the next page of Jungdarsteller with Tom Cruise, Rob Lowe and Matt Dillon, who has appeared in smaller film roles since und als Seriendarsteller (“The Blacklist”, “Bosch”, “The Terror”) gefragt.
© Rick Diamond/Getty Images for Waiting for Wishes

Schon with eleven Monaten drehte Drew Barrymore in his first Werbespot, zum Durchbruch half in his hour with Patenonkel: Steven Spielberg. Im Alter von sieben Jahren spielte sie in "AND" that little Gertie and wurde weltberühmt. Quickly genauso schnell, nor before puberty, kamen Alcohol and Drying ins Spiel, bald follows the first Entziehungskur.

Gertie (Drew Barrymore)

Schon with eleven Monaten drehte Drew Barrymore in his first Werbespot, zum Durchbruch half in his hour with Patenonkel: Steven Spielberg. In “ET” I play little Gertie and the world of the world. Quickly genauso schnell, nor before puberty, kamen Alcohol and Drying ins Spiel, bald follows the first Entziehungskur.
© Universal images

The title of my 1990 autobiography depicted the sad childhood career of punk: "Little girl lost". But Drew Barrymore has its long history, is the production, direction and mumbling of two weeks. Make sure you are working with your first serial feed roller "Santa Clarita Diet" at Netflix for a furore: as a broke Zombie.

Drew Barrymore

The title of my 1990 autobiography chronicled the tragic childhood journey of punk: “Little Girl Lost.” But Drew Barrymore has its long history, is the production, direction and mumbling of two weeks. Zuletzt looks like a sensation with his first series in “Santa Clarita Diet” on Netflix: as a broke zombie.
© Eugene Gologursky/Getty Images for Hospital for Special Surgery

Prepare for the blesser Rolle in "AND"then you play Robert MacNaughton (right) for all Theater: I am a Sci-Fi classic who plays 16 years nachwuchsschauspieler as Bruder von Elliott (Henry Thomas, left) and Gertie (Drew Barrymore) to see.

Michael (Robert MacNaughton)

Preparations for his role in “ET”, played by Robert MacNaughton (right) for all Theater: In the Sci-Fi Classic of the Damals 16-year-old Nachwuchsschauspieler as älterer Bruder von Elliott (Henry Thomas, left) and Gertie (Drew Barrymore) see.
© Universal

Nach "AND" Couldn't Robert MacNaughton nor a small Rollen erattern, then drowned in the 90's with great Ertrag as a theater show. Since 20 years of work has been completed in the past, 2015 the last 57 years of production in smaller independent productions.

Robert MacNaughton

After “ET” Robert MacNaughton neither found a small role series, this version is in the 90s with a greater achievement as a theater show. Since 20 years of work has been completed in the past, 2015 the last 57 years of production in smaller independent productions.
© Presley Ann/Getty Images for TCM

Es war seine first large Rolle als Schauspieler: "I think it was a war related to a war"said Henry Thomas during an interview with the aftercare officer "teleschau" uber "AND", "After all, I didn't see any filming, so I enjoyed the film so much." There were no films, but the film was not distributed for 40 years.

Elliott (Henry Thomas)

Es war seine erste große Rolle as Schauspieler: “I was very happy with it, it was special,” said Henry Thomas during the interview with the Nachrichtenagentur “teleschau” about “ET”, “but I did not watch the film so hereafter good news.” There were no films, but the film was not distributed for 40 years.
© Universal

In der Schule half ihm der "AND"-Ruhm alldings nicht - im Gegenteil: "I was happy for the work that was done, and otherwise I was happy, but I was a normal human being, was bedeutete, that I was happy and not good."There is talk of Thomas, who will fight the war as a war for a while.

Henry Thomas

In the school half in the “ET”-Ruhm allendings nicht – in Gegenteil: “I was happy with my work, and therefore I was so fortunate, since I was an anormal human being, was bedeutete, that I was alone and not gut war,” says Thomas, who will wage the war as a war for a while.
© Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

Schauspieler is still there - everything in smaller roles, zum Beispiel in "Gangs of New York" (2002), "Das Leuchten der Silent" (2010) op "Ouija: Ursprung des Bösen" (2016). Zuletzt was in the Netflix horror series "Gänsehaut a Mitternacht" so see.

Henry Thomas

Schauspieler is dennoch geblieben – allerdings in kleineen Rolen, zum Beispiel in “Gangs of New York” (2002), “Das Leuchten der Stille” (2010) or “Ouija: Ursprung des Bösen” (2016). There is war in the Netflix horror series “Gänsehaut um Mitternacht” that you see.
© John Philips/Getty Images

And yet they live there, they are still alive, and they are still alive with three Darsteller: Two small children, Tamara De Treaux and Pat Bilon, are happy in the Rolle, even though the Zwolfjährige Matthew DeMeritt came to our world. The three Darstellers can see a Schlitz in the Brust of the costs, which they take away.


And yet they live there, they are still alive, and they are still alive with three Darsteller: Two small children, Tamara De Treaux and Pat Bilon, are happy in the Rolle, even though the Zwolfjährige Matthew DeMeritt came to our world. The three Darstellers can see a Schlitz in the Brust of the costs, which they take away.
© Universal

It deserves a Ruhm that both are small schauspieler: Pat Bilon (left) is going through a year later "AND"-Premiere. There is 35 years of contralto. Tamara de Treaux did not make a single film in her own film ("Ghoulies") as "Real" Darstellerin met, starb aber auch bereits 1990 with 31 in Herzversagen.

Pat Bilon, Tamara de Treaux, Matthew DeMeritt

The deserving Ruhm does not have the small schauspieler of both: Pat Bilon (left) starts a year after the “ET” premiere. There is 35 years of contralto. Tamara de Treaux did not appear in her own films (“Ghoulies”) as a “real” Darsteller with, starting from 1990 with 31 a revival.
© Amblin Entertainment

There are other people in the world of the Einsatz, in the ET who left the kitchen and fell over: at a gala at 40. The film screening has given Matthew DeMeritt some nice results. Der Mann, der ohne Beine wurde, lief aanuf seinen Händen, wathrend is das "AND"- Costume back.

Matthew DeMeritt

There are other people in the world of the Einsatz, in the ET who left the kitchen and fell over: at a gala at 40. The film screening has given Matthew DeMeritt some nice results. By Mann, who has become a born child, kind to his hands, it is the “ET” cost.
© Frazer Harrison/Getty Images