
Ameisen, Motten & Silberfischchen: This is how the doodle tiere were released

Ameisen, Motten & Silberfischchen: This is how the doodle tiere were released

Ameisen, Motten, Kakerlaken or Bettwanzen – they are very clean, they ensure good hygiene. You can use insects and other doodles that can spin from Schutz for the Kälte ins Haus. Oder auf der Suche nach Nahrung. An obstacle at the bottom or the fall of the biomüll looks magical. If you want to review your clause, you can take a look at your extended time.

Many people spend a lot of time in a state of discomfort, when they are small four-, second-of-eight-beiners in the house. As a result, losses are high and not as good as they are. With Fliegenklatsche, Klebebändern, Insektenspray, Fallen and Ködern the Leibe-gerückt. The experience is: a single example since, since the nights are spent in full, wenn Ihnen der Zugang is not spoiled.

“Otherwise you can pass on, the man does not have any damage, without any damage. Examples of the natural consequences, which are inherently useful,” says Kerstin Effers of the Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen. Who will enjoy Beispiel Marienkäfer, the last Blattläuse on Pflanzen.

The following table shows you how effective it is, with the last doodle tiere we got: