
Travel: Relief for two stranded astronauts on the ISS has started

Travel: Relief for two stranded astronauts on the ISS has started

A SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket with a Zweiköpfigen has a Samstag in Cape Canaveral, Florida, von der Startrampe ab.
A SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket with a Zweiköpfigen has a Samstag in Cape Canaveral, Florida, von der Startrampe ab.


A SpaceX rocket with two space shuttles and a board has started at Samstag ins All. If you want to make a new start at the Weltraumbahnhof Cape Canaveral in the US Federal State of Florida, with the US-Raumfahrtbehörde Nasa Mitteilte.

The Falcon-9 rocket is brought to the international Space Station ISS by American astronaut Nick Haag and Russian cosmonaut Alexander Gorbunow.

Ihre Dragon-Kapsel will go to the ISS at 10:30 PM. They are both free in the Raumschiff for the US astronauts Butch Wilmore and their Kollegin Suni Williams reserve, who will fly to the ISS in June and now in February in The Hague and Gorbunow to Erde zurückkehren.

Wilmore and Williams launched a Starliner flight capsule from Boeing’s US aerospace company onto the ISS on June 6 and took off about eight days later. There is a war with the first manned flight of the Raumkapsel, which has been involved over the years due to more technical aspects.

Problems with Andocken

When Andocken and the ISS deal with the capsule problem, the manual actions will be carried out. Please ensure that you start and wait for the Flugs Helium-Lecks end.

The Boeing companies will benefit from NASA’s security through the Air Force’s cap. The US space management jedoch, the two astronauts with the Dragon space capsule from SpaceX are on their way to welding again – until February 2025. Wilmore and Williams would be able to use their own plant for eight months in all respects.

I’m working on Boeing before Tech multi-billionaire Elon Musk launched the aerospace company SpaceX in 2020. Astronauts to the ISS and return.