
US-Healthcare Genehmigt first 3D-printed Wirbelsäulenimplantat from Invibios PEEK-Polymer

US-Healthcare Genehmigt first 3D-printed Wirbelsäulenimplantat from Invibios PEEK-Polymer

3D objectsInstall a 3D printed PEEK wiggle implant with porous structure

There are 3D implants based on Invibios PEEK-Optima Polymer that have been approved by the FDA. Nvision Biomedical Technologies has introduced implants to the market, which have developed a powerful research structure and surgical expertise.

  1. The 3D-implanted Wirbel implant is based on the PEEK-Optima Polymer from Invibio.
  2. There is talk of the FDA certification and the sale of Nvision Biomedical Technologies.
  3. The implant for the Knochenwachstum thanks to a porous structure, which has been improved with Bond3D technology.
  4. PEEK-Optima provides a light image like Titan and can be used in millions of commonly used implants.
  5. Nvision and Invibio can make an implant and a plan years later, but we will make more plans.


A new 3D implanted Wirbel implant, which sits on the PEEK-Optima-Polymer from Invibio Biomaterial Solutions, is based on FDA certification. The Interbody System with PEEK from Nvision Biomedical Technologies, a San Antonio-based repairer of medical devices and implants, is on the market.

Installation and operation of implants

Install a 3D printed PEEK wiggle implant with porous structure
The abgebildete 3D printed Wirbelsäulen implant with PEEK-Optima said that the price was fertigte by Struktur, the Einwachsen von Knochen fördern soll (Bild © Nvision Biomedical Technologies).

The new system is suitable for Fusion der Hals- en Ldendenwirbelsäule (ALIF) implants. This is one of the best ways to improve the structure, the natural knots towards more direction and thus an improved fixation of the implants. Nvision and Invibio assume that it will be one of the first art dealers to work with Bond3D technology with PEEK-Optima. This technology is light, so it is a great price for printing.

PEEK-Optima has a capacity of no less than 15 million implants. Thanks to the mechanical properties that the human nodes have, so that the besseren images are genüber Titan implants, surgeons can overload the fortschritt der Fusion besser, so Invibio.

Use Nvision and Invibio

The collaboration between the two partners began over several years, especially in the development of Wirbelsäulen and Fuß-sowie Sprunggelenk implants. In 2020, a new FDA clearance for an osteotomy key system was released, which was extracted from Invibio’s PEEK-Optima HA Enhanced-Polymer.

Laut Dr. Steven Lee, a Facharzt for Wirbelsäulen and Orthopädiesurgery, has offered his new clinical implant.

“The elastic module of PEEK-Optima prevents the entrapment of adjacent buttons. Thanks to radio transparency, the Fusion function can be put on super alert. The structure of the implants installed directly into the device provided stability to the structure.”

In the future of 3D implanted PEEK implants, Nvision and Invibio will work to develop a surgical and patient-friendly procedure.