
Lübecker Benni Stark at Bundesvision Comedy Contest: So hat er abgeschnitten

Lübecker Benni Stark at Bundesvision Comedy Contest: So hat er abgeschnitten

Cologne/Lübeck. Not that the ESC is so double, lasts so long and self-invented: it is an international law, the growth of the live broadcasts and the interaction with the time of the time.

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If you are present, there is the “Bundesvision Song Contest” with all 16 Bundesländern on the same day. With the presentation of the Werbepausen, Einspielern and Gastaufttocht, soft drinks at the Show, which started at 8:15 p.m. with moderator Nils Puffpaff, it is true that a Kaugummi wake among the first a kurz nach Mitternacht the “lustiest Bundesland” as Gewinner kürte.

And a little bit of what we are dealing with: Schleswig-Holstein with Lübecker Benni A grim war is no more! An essay, with a lot of sympathy, the duo names “Zärtlichkeiten with Friends” received the title for Saxony. Haushoch.

Stark with the starting number 1

A grim war begins when the first starting number is 1, the man and the end of a number hanging up is one of the options. The Federal Republic of Germany decided to perform it on stage with a small video recording for quite a few minutes.

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A strong self-defense video that has no right to a Nordic war will no longer be a Möwen en Deiche, Muscheln or Meere in its life. It’s about a break in a Berliner 5-Sterne-Hotel with its Mc-Gyver-Kumpel Basti, the only smile and loud applause – I am finally enlightened at Platz 11. So solid, so classic were the Witze and Gags by Benni Stark, compared to the Einlage with the Inhalten der Bundesländer, the später throughout their country’s ranking.

Duo from Sachsen holte die meisten Stimmen

“Zärtlichkeiten en Freunde” are with an absurd-pleasant Small-Talk and Schlagzeug and Mikro – play about no music whatsoever, like vom Hundertsten in the Tausendste. Miss Allie, who is very connected to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and also to Lübeck, the audience with a Mitmach-Song with. Barfuss, frech und fröhlich, wie die Künstlerin.

For Benni Stark, the job has the most advanced soul quality. The 39 years were held at 8:30 PM with a signal tone during the last three days of the show at the backstage area, before the end of the broadcast, all of which took place on the large TV Couch Platz.

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Die Gewinner wurden in a Zuschauer-Voting ermittelt. Dabei gab’s Unterstützung von een de bekannstromen Namen der Deutsche Comedy-Szene wie Torsten Sträter, Chris Tall, Michael Mittermeier and Felix Lobrecht, die ergebnisse per Live-Schalte für Nordrhein-Westfalen, Hamburg, Bayern und Berlin.

If Stark von Schleswig-Holstein enters the full Punktzahl 12, he cannot easily lose the Vergabe of other Bundesländern.


Everything in the new „Bundesvision Comedy Contest“ is a white alternative to „Bundesvision Song Contest“, and it is an angel who can perform no more than a feinschliff. Technically at the Live Schalten wie auch inhaltlich, um die Show – if you signal muss so long – in the Spannung am Laufen zu halten.